Proving Honor – p. 1

Starting the quest

To begin the Proving Honor quest, you must first complete the main quest Take up Arms, as well as at least one of the sidequests given by Farkas, Aela, Vilkas, or Skjor. Once you finish the sidequest, return to the giver and ask for more orders. You will be directed to Skjor, who has some important information for you (as seen in the screenshot above). If Skjor gave you the sidequest, you do not need to look for him; all the details for the next major Companions quest will be given to you immediately.

Unlocked Companions quest: Proving Honor

Primary objective: Speak to Skjor

You can find Skjor in the main chamber of the Jorrvaskr sanctuary (as shown in the screenshot above) or in the living quarters in Jorrvaskr, depending on the time of day. Skjor will inform you that you must complete one final test before becoming an official member of the Companions clan. You must find a fragment of Wuuthrad, and Farkas will accompany you on your journey.

Primary objective: Speak to Farkas

Find Farkas and speak with him (as seen in the screenshot above). You can either start your journey right away or ask the shield-brother some additional questions. Farkas will inform you that Wuuthrad is an extremely powerful weapon and that the fragment of this artifact can be found in Dustman’s Cairn. Note that if you were with a companion before starting this quest, they will be automatically detached from your team and sent to a default location, such as Dragonsreach or your home in Whiterun.

Primary objective: Retrieve the fragment

You can leave the sanctuary and open the world map to locate Dustman’s Cairn, which is west of Whiterun (as seen in the screenshot above). If you have already discovered this location, you can use the fast travel option. Otherwise, follow the main path leading west and turn north after reaching Fort Greymoor.

Once you arrive at the marked location, walk up the hill and find the large hole in the ground (as shown in the screenshot above). Make sure there are no monsters in the area, then jump down and enter the underground complex through the door.

Head east and in the first room, you will find valuable items, including a Two-Handed skill book, Battle of Sancre Tor, among others. Use the eastern corridor and when you reach the catacombs, you will encounter various types of draugr. Be careful of the restless draugr (as seen in the screenshot above), as it is stronger and can inflict more damage. It can also cast powerful spells.

Before continuing your exploration, there is something you should know. In some of the graves along the way, you will see lying draugr that can be located by specific sounds. These monsters will not attack you unless you use any area effect skill, but you can eliminate them to improve your own skills. Continue exploring, choosing the northern corridor (as shown in the screenshot above), which leads to the door.

Head east until you reach a larger chamber. Take some time to explore the area before heading to the north-eastern part of the room (as shown in the screen above). Pull the lever to close the local grate, which will unlock the south-eastern passage in the distance.

Prepare for an interesting cutscene with Farkas and the Silver Hand, a group hostile to the Companions. During the scene, Farkas transforms into a werewolf (as shown in the screen above) and defeats the opponents with ease. After the fight, ask Farkas some questions and then take the unlocked south-eastern passage.

Be prepared to face Silver Hand members regularly from now on (as shown in the screen above). Quickly eliminate these enemies, who are less durable and can be defeated with a few blows. Turn east and then north until you reach two doors that lead to another large chamber.

You will encounter more Silver Hand members in this room, so be ready to fight. Take down the bowman on the upper level first and then search for a masterly secured chest with valuable items. Finally, take the southern passage (as shown in the screen above) and head down the stairs towards the southern door.

You will pass through linear corridors where you may encounter new Silver Hand members and draugr. Eventually, you will reach a larger chamber (as shown in the screen above) where you will need to defeat a group of tough Silver Hand warriors. Don’t let them surround you and watch out for the bowman attacking from a distance.

After defeating the Silver Hand, take the southern door and turn west. Be careful of the pressure plate on the stairs that triggers a trap with poisoned arrows. You may use this trap to your advantage when the next wave of Silver Hand attack you (as shown in the screen above). After the fight, head towards the door leading to the Dustman’s Crypt.

As you enter a new place, a Silver Hand warrior will attack you. Eliminate him and proceed to the next chamber where you will find a bridge. You can either attack the enemies downstairs or wait for them to come to you (as shown in the screen above). I suggest the latter option as it will be easier to attack single targets in a narrow corridor or use the Shout Unrelenting Force. Watch out for tougher enemies like the full plate warrior.

Whether you have already defeated your opponents or not, head west in the opposite direction. You will encounter a closed door, but there are no valuable items behind it. Eventually, you will return to the main chamber on the lower level (as shown in the screen above). If there are still any opponents, eliminate them now.

The article provides a guide on how to navigate through a location called Dustman’s Cairn in the game. The player is advised to look for a chest after a fight and obtain a key to unlock the northern gate. The player will encounter skeever on the way but they are not a challenge. After reaching the alchemic lab, the player can explore or continue walking east. In a small cave, the player will be attacked by frostbite spiders, including a giant one, and should use antidotes if needed. The player should head north and watch out for new draugr and restless draugr. The player should take the western corridor and eventually reach the largest chamber in the location. The article suggests saving the game here as the player will face their toughest battle yet. Lastly, the player can learn a new Word of Power at the Word Wall, pick up some cure potions, and collect the Wuuthrad fragment.


1. What is Proving Honor mission in Skyrim?

The Proving Honor mission in Skyrim is a quest given to the player by Farkas, a member of the Companions. The mission requires the player to prove their worth to the Companions by completing a series of tasks. The first task is to retrieve a fragment of Wuuthrad, a powerful weapon that once belonged to the founder of the Companions. The second task requires the player to clear out a group of bandits that have taken over a nearby fort. Finally, the player must participate in a ritual combat against one of the Companions to prove their strength and skill.

2. How do you start Proving Honor in Skyrim?

To start Proving Honor in Skyrim, the player must first complete the quest “Take Up Arms,” which is given by Kodlak Whitemane, the leader of the Companions. Once this quest is completed, the player can speak to Farkas, who will give them the Proving Honor mission. Farkas can be found in Jorrvaskr, the Companions’ headquarters in Whiterun.

3. Can you fail Proving Honor in Skyrim?

It is not possible to fail the Proving Honor mission in Skyrim. Even if the player is defeated in the ritual combat against one of the Companions, they will still be accepted into the organization and allowed to continue with the questline. However, it is worth noting that the ritual combat can be quite challenging, so players should be prepared for a tough fight.

4. What rewards can you get from completing Proving Honor in Skyrim?

Completing the Proving Honor mission in Skyrim rewards the player with several benefits. Firstly, they will become a member of the Companions, which allows them to take on additional quests and gain access to the organization’s facilities. Secondly, the player will receive a leveled amount of gold as a reward for completing the mission. Finally, the player will have the opportunity to purchase training in heavy armor, two-handed weapons, and block from Farkas.

5. How long does it take to complete Proving Honor in Skyrim?

The length of time it takes to complete the Proving Honor mission in Skyrim will vary depending on the player’s skill level and playstyle. Completing the mission requires the player to complete several tasks, including retrieving a fragment of Wuuthrad, clearing out a bandit fort, and participating in a ritual combat. These tasks can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours depending on the player’s approach. In general, it is safe to assume that completing Proving Honor will take at least a couple of hours of gameplay.

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