Removing Vampirism and Lycanthropy in Skyrim

In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, players may become a vampire or werewolf during their adventure. However, there are ways to cure yourself of these conditions. This guide will explain how to remove vampirism and lycanthropy from your character.

  • How to cure vampirism
  • How to cure lycanthropy

Curing Vampirism

A player can become a vampire if they are bitten by another vampire and contract Sanguinare Vampiris or if they do not stop the three-day transformation process. To cure vampirism, there are two options:

  1. Speak to an innkeeper to learn about Falion, a conjurer who studies vampires in Morthal. This will unlock the Rising at Dawn quest. The player must bring a filled Black Soul Gem to Morthal and meet with Falion at dawn to complete the quest.
  2. Join The Companions in Whiterun and complete The Silver Hand quest. During this quest, the player will transform into a werewolf, which will cure their vampirism.

Note that even after curing vampirism, a player can still become a vampire again in the future.

For more information on playing as a vampire, check out our guide on How to Become a Vampire?

Curing Lycanthropy

A player becomes a werewolf by completing The Companions questline. To cure lycanthropy, the player must complete the Companions questline and remain a werewolf until the end.

  1. You will become a member of The Companions faction (fighters guild).
  2. As part of The Silver Hand quest assigned by The Companions, you will participate in a blood ritual and voluntarily choose to unlock the active power of Beast Form by drinking the blood.
  3. There is only one way to remove the werewolf curse, which is by completing the last basic quest commissioned by The Companions, Glory of the Dead. In this quest, you must return to Ysgramor’s Tomb, reach the main chamber, throw Glenmoril Witch Head into the fire, and defeat the wolf spirit related to the main character.

Note that if you only had one witch head during the Glory of the Dead quest, you may need to revisit the Glenmoril Coven location to kill the previously ignored witch or loot a body of one of the already defeated witches.

For more detailed information on playing the game as a werewolf, please see the dedicated page in our guide – How to become a werewolf?.


1. What are vampirism and lycanthropy diseases?

Vampirism and lycanthropy diseases are conditions that are commonly found in fantasy literature and movies. Vampirism is a condition where an individual is transformed into a vampire, while lycanthropy is a condition where an individual transforms into a werewolf. In reality, these conditions do not exist. However, some people may believe that they are experiencing these conditions, which can cause them to feel anxious and paranoid.

2. What are the symptoms of vampirism and lycanthropy diseases?

People who believe they have vampirism or lycanthropy diseases may experience a range of symptoms. These can include a desire to drink blood or eat raw meat, sensitivity to sunlight, increased aggression, and changes in physical appearance. Some people may also experience hallucinations and delusions related to their condition.

3. How can vampirism and lycanthropy diseases be treated?

Since vampirism and lycanthropy diseases are not real medical conditions, there is no cure for them. However, people who experience these conditions may benefit from talking to a mental health professional. A therapist can help identify any underlying mental health issues and provide strategies for managing symptoms. In some cases, medication may also be prescribed to manage anxiety or other symptoms.

4. Can vampirism and lycanthropy diseases be prevented?

Since these conditions are not real medical conditions, they cannot be prevented. However, people who are interested in vampire or werewolf mythology may want to take steps to ensure that their interest does not become obsessive or interfere with their daily life. This may include setting boundaries around their interest, seeking support from like-minded individuals, and engaging in other hobbies and activities.

5. Is it possible to become a vampire or werewolf?

No, it is not possible to become a vampire or werewolf in real life. These conditions exist only in fantasy literature and movies. However, some people may believe that they are experiencing these conditions, which can be a sign of an underlying mental health issue. If you are concerned that you or someone you know may be experiencing these conditions, it is important to seek help from a mental health professional.

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