Side Contract: Eliminate Helvard

New main goal: Eliminate Helvard

Take note! This mission is not mandatory and can be initiated after finishing the quest The Silence Has Been Broken and all other side contracts. It becomes available together with the quest Side Contract: Kill Maluril.

To unlock this mission, talk to Nazir and ask for new contracts. Keep in mind that this and other contracts will only become available after completing all previous side contracts. Exit the Dark Brotherhood’s Sanctuary and check the world map. Helvard is the housecarl in Falkreath (as shown in the screenshot above), which should already be marked on your map since it is located near the Sanctuary.

During the day, you can find Helvard inside the Jarl’s Longhouse near the main street (as shown in the screenshot above). It is not recommended to attack him while there are other people around since guards will immediately attack you. Even if you surrender, you will still have to pay a fine or go to jail.

It is better to wait until night while staying inside the jarl’s house. Helvard should go to his room on the upper floor to rest. Wait until everyone else goes to bed and quietly sneak into the housecarl’s room, close the door behind you, and approach the bed (as shown in the screenshot above). You can eliminate Helvard in any way you want, such as stabbing him with a dagger or shooting an arrow at his head.

New main goal: Report back to Nazir

You can now return to the Dark Brotherhood’s Sanctuary and report to Nazir what you have done. If you plan to complete the second contract given by him, make sure to finish both before returning to the assassins’ hideout. Nazir will reward you with gold.


1. What is a side contract in Skyrim?

In Skyrim, a side contract is a type of quest that can be obtained by talking to certain NPCs. These quests are usually smaller in scope than the main questline and often involve completing a task for the NPC in exchange for a reward. In the case of the “Kill Helvard” side contract, it involves assassinating the steward of Morthal, Helvard, on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.

2. How do I obtain the “Kill Helvard” side contract?

To obtain the “Kill Helvard” side contract, you must first join the Dark Brotherhood. This can be done by completing the quest “Innocence Lost,” which is triggered by talking to Aventus Aretino in Windhelm. Once you have joined the Dark Brotherhood, speak to Nazir at the Dawnstar Sanctuary to receive the “Kill Helvard” contract.

3. What are the consequences of completing the “Kill Helvard” side contract?

Completing the “Kill Helvard” side contract will result in a few consequences. First, you will receive a reward from Nazir for completing the contract. Additionally, if you are caught committing the murder or if Helvard’s body is discovered, it will result in a bounty and possibly a hostile reaction from the citizens of Morthal. It is important to plan the assassination carefully to avoid detection and consequences.

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