Significant Characters and Places | The Hinterlands

Main Points of M3 Hinterlands – Significant Characters and Places – Dragon Age: Inquisition

Crucial Characters


Dragon Dens

Campsites, Fortresses, Villages, and Cities

Fast Travel Points, Passages to Dungeons, and Independent Locations




1 – Village Trader – This character specializes in selling close combat weapons, ranged weapons, staffs, shields, upgrades, crafting materials, and recipes.

2 – Merchant – This character specializes in selling armors and upgrades.

3 – Merchant – This character specializes in selling close combat weapons, ranged weapons, shields, and upgrades.

4 – Dwarven Bookseller – This character specializes in selling schematics.

Dragon Dens

1 – Ferelden Frostback Dragon’s Den

Fast Travel Points, Passages to Dungeons, and Independent Locations

1 – Hinterlands Exit

2 – Cave Entrances/Exits

3 – Village – Fast Travel

4 – Redcliffe – Fast Travel

The map above displays all the significant characters and locations in The Hinterlands. It is an extensive area that encompasses both uninhabited regions and villages where you can come across some friendly characters. Additionally, there are numerous caves that are worth exploring. To move around the various locations in the Hinterlands, you can utilize the fast travel points indicated on the map. Moreover, setting up campsites and widening the influence of the Inquisition is a wise idea. I suggest avoiding exploring the entire area initially as some of the rifts and the dragon’s den house formidable monsters. If your team is too weak, you may lose to them.


What are the important locations in The Hinterlands?

The Hinterlands is a vast region in the world of Dragon Age: Inquisition. It is home to several important locations, including the Redcliffe Village, the Crossroads, and the Dragon’s Ravine. Redcliffe Village is a small settlement that serves as the seat of power for the Arl of Denerim. The Crossroads is a major intersection that connects the Hinterlands to other regions. The Dragon’s Ravine is a treacherous valley that is home to some of the most dangerous creatures in the region.

Who are the important characters in The Hinterlands?

There are several important characters in The Hinterlands. One of the most important is Corporal Vale, a member of the Inquisition who is responsible for maintaining order in the region. Another important character is Mother Giselle, a Chantry sister who is helping refugees in the area. Finally, there is the Arl of Denerim, who is the ruling lord of the region and one of the most powerful figures in the game.

What is the significance of The Hinterlands in Dragon Age: Inquisition?

The Hinterlands is a crucial location in Dragon Age: Inquisition. It serves as one of the first areas that players will explore in the game and introduces them to many of the core gameplay mechanics. Additionally, it is home to several important side quests and characters, as well as a number of challenging enemies that players must overcome to progress in the game.

What challenges will players face in The Hinterlands?

Players will face a number of challenges in The Hinterlands. One of the biggest challenges is the region’s wildlife, which includes wolves, bears, and other dangerous creatures. Additionally, players will need to navigate the treacherous terrain of the Dragon’s Ravine and contend with hostile bandits and other enemies. Finally, players will need to complete a number of side quests and missions in order to progress in the game, which can be quite challenging and time-consuming.

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