Sniper Elite 5: Killing Abelard Moller (mission 9) – walkthrough

The objective of mission 9 (Unfinished Business) in Sniper Elite 5 is to eliminate Abelard Moller. Our guide’s walkthrough will provide you with the steps to complete the epilogue and successfully assassinate the main antagonist.

The final mission (Loose Ends) in Sniper Elite 5 is the campaign’s epilogue and requires you to eliminate the main antagonist, Abelard Moller. Our guide’s walkthrough explains how to find Moller, how to identify him as the mission target, and how to shoot him.

  • General objectives of the mission
  • Identifying Moller
  • Shooting Moller
  • Ending

General objectives of the mission

Mission 9 is not a typical level, as the game restricts your movement on the map and there are no secrets or optional tasks. Your only goal is to kill Moller. The mission takes place at Chateau De Berengar, which you may have explored in mission 2. This time, your character will set up on a hill to shoot Moller as he leaves the chateau. The mission ends as soon as Moller is dead, so it can be completed in under a minute.

Identifying Moller

Moller can be found at the start of the mission. Head to the area marked in picture 1, where he will appear on a balcony near one of the mansion’s exits. He will stop there briefly before heading towards his vehicle to leave the chateau grounds. Use your binoculars to mark Moller so you can track him while preparing for the attack.

Shooting Moller

Shooting Moller with a sniper rifle is the most obvious way to eliminate him. It’s best to shoot him when he is on the large balcony or when he stops at the limousine. Hitting a moving target increases the risk of missing, so aim for his head.

Missing him will alert the area and make killing Moller more difficult. He will run to his vehicle and start leaving the map, and the enemy sniper will be alerted, making the mission harder. It’s best to restart the mission and try again if you miss.

You have limited time to fire, as Moller gets into the limousine and the guards drive towards the northern edge of the map. If you have a rifle with a worse scope, you can shoot when the limousine is closer to the hill. You can also get the “Can’t Outrun the Bullet” achievement by shooting Moller from a distance of at least 600 meters, as described in the trophy guide.


Sniper Elite 5 has only one ending, regardless of how you kill Moller. His death stops Operation Kraken, which he supervised. However, it’s possible that the Kraken’s story will continue in additional missions that may be released later.


1. What is the objective of mission 9 in Sniper Elite 5: Killing Abelard Moller?

The objective of mission 9 in Sniper Elite 5: Killing Abelard Moller is to assassinate the main target, Abelard Moller, who is a high-ranking Nazi officer. The mission takes place in a small village in Germany, where Moller is attending a secret meeting. The player must infiltrate the meeting and eliminate Moller without alerting the other attendees or raising the alarm.

2. What are some tips for completing mission 9 in Sniper Elite 5?

There are several tips for completing mission 9 in Sniper Elite 5. First, it’s important to use stealth and avoid detection as much as possible. This means staying in the shadows, moving slowly and quietly, and using distractions like throwing rocks or using trip mines. Additionally, it’s important to use cover and stay hidden whenever possible. Finally, when it comes time to take out Moller, it’s important to aim for his head or heart for a clean kill and to avoid alerting the other attendees.

3. What weapons are recommended for mission 9 in Sniper Elite 5?

There are several weapons that are recommended for mission 9 in Sniper Elite 5. The silenced pistol is a useful tool for taking out enemies quietly, while the sniper rifle is essential for long-range kills. Additionally, the trip mine can be used to set traps for enemy soldiers and the landmine can be used to take out vehicles. It’s also a good idea to carry a grenade or two for emergencies.

4. What are some challenges or obstacles to look out for in mission 9 of Sniper Elite 5?

Mission 9 of Sniper Elite 5 presents several challenges and obstacles to the player. One of the biggest challenges is the large number of enemy soldiers in the area, as well as the fact that they are heavily armed and well-trained. Additionally, the player must be careful not to alert the other attendees of the meeting, as this will result in a failed mission. Finally, the area is filled with obstacles like barbed wire, mines, and tripwires, which must be avoided or disarmed.

5. How long does it take to complete mission 9 in Sniper Elite 5?

The length of time it takes to complete mission 9 in Sniper Elite 5 will depend on several factors, including the player’s skill level, the difficulty setting, and the approach taken. However, on average, it takes between 30 minutes and an hour to complete the mission. Players who take a more cautious and stealthy approach may take longer, while those who rush through the mission may complete it more quickly.

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