The Three Advisors of the Protagonist in Dragon Age Inquisition

Upon reaching Haven, the protagonist in Dragon Age: Inquisition gains the help of three advisors who cannot be included in the party but play an active role in many quests, especially those from the main storyline. Their primary function is to be sent on missions from the war room. More information on this mechanism can be found on the next page.


Lady Josephine Montilyet serves as both an ambassador and the main diplomat of the Inquisition. Her expertise in diplomacy makes her ideal for missions that require a diplomatic approach (Connections tab- Connections).


Cullen, a former Templar, is a familiar character to fans of the series. He serves as the Commodore and leads the Inquisition’s forces, preferring to use force to achieve his goals (Forces tab- Forces).


Sister Leliana, known to many from the first installment of the Dragon Age franchise, specializes in obtaining sensitive information about others and using it against them (Secrets tab – Secrets).


1. Who are the protagonist’s advisors in Dragon Age Inquisition?

In Dragon Age Inquisition, the protagonist has three advisors: Cullen, Josephine, and Leliana. Each advisor plays a significant role in guiding the Inquisition, a group formed to restore order and stop the chaos caused by a tear in the sky known as the Breach. Cullen, a former Templar, oversees the military and strategy. Josephine, a diplomat, handles negotiations and alliances with other factions. Leliana, a former bard and spymaster, manages intelligence and espionage.

2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each advisor?

Cullen’s strengths lie in his military expertise and ability to lead troops effectively. However, his past trauma as a Templar and struggles with addiction can sometimes affect his judgment. Josephine’s strengths include her diplomacy and networking skills, but she can be too trusting and sometimes struggles with assertiveness. Leliana is a skilled spy and strategist, but her ruthless tactics can sometimes lead to conflict with the other advisors.

3. How do the advisors interact with the protagonist?

The advisors interact with the protagonist through dialogue and cutscenes, often providing guidance and advice on critical decisions. They also offer side quests and missions that aid in the Inquisition’s efforts to restore order. The protagonist can build relationships with each advisor through dialogue and decision-making, which can affect the Inquisition’s success and the story’s outcome.

4. Can the player romance any of the advisors?

Yes, the player can romance Josephine, Cullen, or Leliana depending on the protagonist’s gender and sexual orientation. Each romance has its unique storyline and cutscenes, and the player’s choices throughout the game can affect the romance’s outcome.

5. What is the importance of the advisors in the game?

The advisors play a crucial role in Dragon Age Inquisition, providing expertise and guidance to the protagonist and aiding in the Inquisition’s efforts to restore order. Their interactions with the player and the decisions made throughout the game can have a significant impact on the story’s outcome. The advisors also provide a sense of depth and complexity to the game’s world-building, offering unique perspectives and motivations that add to the game’s overall narrative.

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