The Western Approach Side Quests: List of Quests

Below is a compilation of all the side quests that can be added to your journal during your visit to The Western Approach.

A Stranger Rift in the Ruins

A Tevinter Relic Hunt

Assault on Griffon Wing Keep

Code Requisition in the Approach


Fauna Requisition in the Approach

Fortress Squatters

Frederic’s Livelihood

Holding the Western Approach

How to Lure a Dragon

Hunting Patterns

Into the Approach

Landmarks in the Western Approach

Lazurite Survey in the Approach

On the Chantry Trail

Regions in the Western Approach

Rifts in Echoback

Rifts in Sand and Dust

Rifts in the Canyons

Rifts off the Pass

Shards in the Approach

Sharper White Claws

The Heart of the Still Ruins

The Trouble with Darkspawn

The Venatori

This Water Tastes Funny


1. What are the side quests available in the Western Approach?

The Western Approach is a vast region in Dragon Age: Inquisition that offers several side quests for players to complete. Some of the side quests available in the Western Approach include “On the Chantry Trail,” “How to Lure a Dragon,” “The Trouble with Darkspawn,” “The Abyssal High Dragon,” “Holding the Western Approach,” and “A Manuscript of Some Authority.” These quests involve exploring the region, battling enemies, and gathering resources. Completing these quests is not only rewarding but also helps players gain experience and improve their skills.

2. How do I access the side quests in the Western Approach?

To access the side quests in the Western Approach, players must first reach the region by completing the main quest “Here Lies the Abyss.” Once they have unlocked the area, they can explore it freely and discover the side quests available. Alternatively, players can also receive these quests from various NPCs scattered throughout the region. However, some of these quests may only become available after completing certain main quests or reaching a specific level.

3. What rewards can I expect from completing the side quests in the Western Approach?

Completing the side quests in the Western Approach can offer several rewards such as experience points, gold, and rare loot. Some quests may also unlock new areas or provide valuable information that can aid the player in the main story. Additionally, completing certain quests may also affect the world state and influence the outcome of the game’s ending.

4. How do the side quests in the Western Approach relate to the main story of Dragon Age: Inquisition?

The side quests in the Western Approach offer players a chance to explore the region and gain valuable experience and resources. However, some of these quests also tie into the main story of the game and can affect its outcome. For example, completing the quest “The Trouble with Darkspawn” can lead to the discovery of a red lyrium mine, which is an important element in the main story. Additionally, the quest “Holding the Western Approach” involves defending a crucial stronghold that is essential to the Inquisition’s success in the main story. Therefore, while not necessary to complete, the side quests in the Western Approach can greatly impact the player’s experience and understanding of the game’s world and story.

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