Travelling to Whiterun | Before the Storm

This section of the guide to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim provides a step-by-step guide for the second part of the main quest Before the Storm. Our guide will help you to reach Whiterun and locate the Jarl.

New objective: Speak to the Jarl of Whiterun

Note! This objective is given regardless of whether you have allied with Hadvar or Ralof.

Consult the world map to see that Whiterun is situated north of Riverwood (as shown in the above screenshot). If you have already visited Whiterun, you can use the quick travel feature. If not, you will need to travel there independently. In this case, it is recommended to use the northern village exit. Cross the river bridge and then head north, attempting to stay on the paved path. You can also follow the signposts you encounter along the way.

Approach Whiterun from the west and locate the path leading to an abandoned drawbridge. Head towards the main city gate (as shown in the above screenshot), where you will be stopped by one of the Whiterun guards. You can explain your intentions truthfully and gain access to the city, or use one of the dialogue options related to Speech, such as persuasion, bribery or intimidation. Whatever option you choose, open the gate to enter Whiterun.

Once inside Whiterun, proceed towards the Jarl’s castle, which can be found in the distance at Dragonsreach. Enter the castle and go to the main throne room (as shown in the above screenshot). Here you will be stopped by Irileth, but after a brief conversation, she will allow you to approach Jarl Balgruuf and report on the Dragon’s attack and the situation in Riverwood. The Jarl will reward you with armor (the type and properties of which depend on your current experience level and whether your character is more proficient in light or heavy armor) and request that you meet with the mage, Farengar.

New main quest unlocked: Bleak Falls Barrow


1. What is Whiterun and why is it important in the game?

Whiterun is a major city in the game Skyrim, known for its central location and strategic importance. It is the first city that players are likely to encounter in the game’s main questline and serves as a hub for many other quests and activities. It is also home to several important characters, including the Jarl of Whiterun, who plays a key role in the game’s main story.

2. How do I get to Whiterun?

There are several ways to get to Whiterun, but the most straightforward is to follow the main road that leads out of the starting town of Helgen. This road will take you directly to Whiterun’s main gate, which is guarded by a group of soldiers. Alternatively, players can use fast travel to instantly teleport to Whiterun if they have previously visited the city.

3. What should I do before going to Whiterun?

Before heading to Whiterun, players may want to take some time to explore the surrounding area and complete any nearby quests or activities. This can help them level up and acquire useful items and abilities before tackling the challenges that await in the city. They may also want to stock up on supplies and equipment, as there are many shops and vendors available in Whiterun.

4. What can I expect to find in Whiterun?

Whiterun is a bustling city with many shops, taverns, and other points of interest. Players can expect to find a variety of quests and activities to engage in, as well as numerous characters to interact with. The city is also home to several key locations, including Dragonsreach, the Jarl’s palace, and the city’s marketplace.

5. Are there any dangers or challenges to watch out for in Whiterun?

As with any major city in Skyrim, there are many dangers and challenges to watch out for in Whiterun. Players may encounter hostile creatures, bandits, or other hostile characters while exploring the city and its surroundings. Additionally, some quests and activities may involve combat or other challenges that require careful planning and preparation.

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