Disco Elysium: Controls / Keybinds

This section of our Disco Elysium guide covers the keybinds, which are the buttons and keys used to control the game. The table below provides a comprehensive list of the default controls for both PC and PS4/PS5.

  • PC controls
  • PS4/PS5 controls

PC controls

The table below shows the default controls for Disco Elysium on PC, which can be customized to suit your preferences.

Movement – use the left mouse button to move your character and interact with items and NPCs. Double-click to move faster, and click and hold to run.

Show Interactable Objects

Zoom In/Zoom Out.

Movement keys.

Character Sheet.


Thought Cabinet.

Quick select 1.

Quick select 2.

Quick select 3.

Cancel character action / Continue (in dialogue mode).

Show Interactable Objects

Main Menu.


Quick Save.

Quick Load.

PS4/PS5 controls

The table below shows the default controls for Disco Elysium on PS4 and PS5 consoles.


Left hand item

Targeting interactables

Right hand item

Context sensitive

Character sheet/Open menu




Zoom in/Menu navigation


Zoom out/Menu navigation

Reset camera zoom

Dialogue/Menu navigation

Navigation through dialogue and menus

Restore health

Restore morale

Menu for pausing the game


1. What are the default controls for Disco Elysium?

The default controls for Disco Elysium on PC are:

– Movement: arrow keys or WASD

– Interact: spacebar or left mouse button

– Open inventory: I

– Open journal: J

– Toggle thoughts: T

– Toggle map: M

– Zoom in/out: scroll wheel

– Toggle dialogue history: H

– Toggle UI: Tab

2. Can I customize the controls in Disco Elysium?

Yes, you can customize the controls in Disco Elysium. To do so, go to the options menu and select “Controls”. From there, you can remap any of the keyboard or mouse controls to a different key or button.

3. Are there any controls that are essential to gameplay?

Most of the controls in Disco Elysium are essential to gameplay, as they allow you to interact with the game world, access your inventory and journal, and toggle various UI elements. However, some players may find certain controls more important than others depending on their preferred playstyle. For example, players who prefer dialogue-heavy gameplay may find the dialogue history toggle to be essential, while those who prefer exploration may prioritize the map toggle.

4. How do I use the thought cabinet in Disco Elysium?

To use the thought cabinet in Disco Elysium, open your journal and select the “Thoughts” tab. From there, you can browse available thoughts and select one to research. Researching a thought requires a certain amount of skill points and time, but once a thought is fully researched, it will grant various bonuses and abilities. To activate a thought, simply select it from the thoughts tab and click the “Internalize” button.

5. Can I play Disco Elysium with a controller?

Yes, you can play Disco Elysium with a controller on PC. However, some players may find the keyboard and mouse controls to be more intuitive, especially for certain actions like navigating menus and selecting dialogue options. Additionally, the game was designed with mouse and keyboard controls in mind, so some controller users may find certain actions to be more cumbersome or difficult to perform.

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