Disco Elysium: Drug Guide

On this page, we will provide a list of all the drugs available in Disco Elysium and how they impact the character. The game features various substances, including legal and illegal drugs like Pyrholidon and alcohol. While you can find legal drugs in Revachol, illegal substances are not readily available unless you use them at least once. It’s important to note that you don’t have to use any illegal substance if you don’t want to.

  • How to use drugs in Disco Elysium?
  • List of drugs and their effects

How to use drugs in Disco Elysium?

Using drugs in the game is not as straightforward as you might think. To use a substance, you first need to acquire it and then put it in your character’s hand. Let’s take a pack of cigarettes from Frittte kiosk as an example. Once you have the cigarettes, a pink orb will appear above Harrier’s head, indicating the Electrochemistry skill. Clicking on it will allow you to take a cigarette out of the pack. In the case of alcohol, Harrier will first look at the bottle and then open it. If you resist using the substance, you won’t be able to use it for a while.

Once you have the cigarette, you can let Harrier smoke it. You will receive a notification about the bonus earned and the side effects. Smoking cigarettes decreases your Health by 1 point. Each drug in Disco Elysium comes with a limited number of charges, meaning you can use them multiple times. The basic number of charges is 3, but the number increases with the Electrochemistry skill. Four points give you 4 charges, and 7 points increase it to 5, the maximum number.

List of drugs and their effects

Drugs in Disco Elysium provide your character with certain bonuses, but they also carry risks. You may lose Health or Morale points, which could result in your character dying from a heart attack. Before using any substance, weigh the risks or have medicine on hand.

Using drugs temporarily increases your character’s Attributes, which increases the limit of points you can invest in the skills tied to that attribute. If you invest a skill point while under the influence, you will retain it even after the effect has passed.

Below is a table listing all the drugs available in the game and their effects, potential remedies, and where to find them.




How to unlock?

Smokes (Nicotine)


1 Intellect.


-1 Health.



Frittte Kiosk,




1 Physique.


-1 Morale.



Bar counters,

Silvie’s bar.

The Frittte Kiosk located in Rosemary offers:

– Pyrholidon

Bonus: +1 Psyche.

Damage: -1 Health.

– Nosaphed


– Roy (Pawnshop) – available after succeeding the white Electrochemistry skill check.

Speed (Amphetamine) is available at:

– Magnesium


Bonus: 1 Motorics.

Damage: -1 Morale.

– Klaasje (Medicine cabinet – white Electro-Chemistry check)

– Cuno (after completing the Split a kilo with Cuno quest)

– Rosemary.


What role do drugs play in Disco Elysium?

Drugs are a significant part of Disco Elysium’s gameplay and story. As the player character, you can choose to take various drugs that affect your abilities, emotions, and perception. The game’s fictional setting, the city of Revachol, is also plagued by drug addiction and drug-related crimes.

The most commonly used drug in the game is called “speed,” which increases your physical abilities but also makes you more aggressive and impulsive. Other drugs, such as “dolorian,” can enhance your empathy and awareness but also make you more vulnerable to emotional manipulation.

Overall, drugs in Disco Elysium serve as a commentary on addiction, mental health, and societal issues. The game explores the consequences of drug use and abuse, as well as the complex psychological and social factors that contribute to addiction.

Can you complete the game without using drugs?

Yes, it is possible to complete Disco Elysium without using drugs. The game offers multiple paths and solutions to its various quests, and drug use is not always necessary or beneficial.

However, avoiding drugs also means missing out on some of the game’s content and experiences. Certain quests and interactions require the use of specific drugs, and some of the game’s most memorable moments involve drug-induced hallucinations and surreal experiences.

Ultimately, the decision to use or avoid drugs in Disco Elysium is up to the player’s discretion. The game allows for a range of playstyles and approaches, and there is no “right” or “wrong” way to play it.

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