Elex 2: Where to Find Major Cities?

This Elex 2 guide page displays the locations of the main cities on the world map and explains how to access them.

This guide page for Elex 2 provides a list of the primary cities where friendly NPCs reside, such as quest givers, skill trainers, merchants, and leaders of the major factions. Additionally, we’ve included a world map displaying the city locations and information regarding the available cities and districts.

  • Basic information
  • World map – cities
  • Fort
  • Grotto
  • Crater
  • Depot
  • Castle
  • Bastion

Basic information

All the major cities in the game are also headquarters of various factions. Visiting a specific city allows you to meet the members of that group. However, you should not avoid them if you are not interested in a particular faction because you can still visit various merchants or complete side quests unrelated to the faction. We recommend exploring each new city thoroughly and talking to all people with unique names to discover as many missions, skill trainers, and merchants as possible.

You cannot visit every location right away. Someone may stop you when you attempt to enter a higher district or a restricted area. Each city may have different ways of unlocking restricted areas; we’ve described these obstacles further down this page.

When you first visit each faction’s headquarters, one of its members should offer you a tour. It can be an excellent way to quickly learn about the most important areas of a given location, although exploring everything yourself is better. Be cautious when offered a tour in the Fort, as it may cause trouble – we’ve described it in more detail on the Striker in Fort page – should you pay him?.

Look for the teleporter at the entrance to each city. By activating it, you can easily return to a given city while completing related quests. There may also be other teleporters in the area, such as next to the bunker in the Fort.

World map – cities

The map above displays the most critical points on the world map, including:

  1. Fort – location 1
  2. Grotto – location 2
  3. Crater – location 3
  4. Depot – location 4
  5. Castle – location 5
  6. Bastion – location 6

We’ve described the cities listed above further down the page, detailing how to gain full access to them and what factions are inside.


The Fort is the headquarters of the Berserkers. It is located in the central part of the map, to the west of the location you’ll be in after completing the prologue, making it one of the first places you’ll visit.

The Fort is the only location that cannot be accessed at the beginning. You need to talk to Gardar at the north entrance during your first visit and find out how to enter the Fort by completing tasks for Scrappy and Thorhilda, two important members of the Berserkers. Only then will Jax be able to enter the Fort.

Gaining access to the upper district of the Fort is another challenge, as it is guarded by Lothar by default. To gain favor with Mater, Thorhilda, or Tilas and be able to meet the Rat in his bunker, you need to complete the Berserkers’ Trust mission. Although theoretically, you can fly over the wall with the jetpack, this is not a reliable method as Jax will be stopped by the first guard he meets.


The Morkons’ HQ, called the Grotto, is located in the eastern part of the map and should be one of the first locations to visit after completing the prologue. The entrance to the underground city is presented in the above picture, and you will be greeted by Dimitry and Marat upon arrival. Dimitry will then lead you to Khan, the leader of the Morkons.

Be careful not to explore the ruins on the surface, as the entrance to the underground city is what you need to locate. You can bypass the machines and go straight inside, where you can roam freely through most of the Grotto. The lowest areas of the Grotto, such as the basement and the underground cathedral, are initially inaccessible and can only be accessed during the Morkon Values quest, which is linked to joining the faction.


The Outlaws’ HQ, the Crater, is located in the central part of the map, north of the Bastion and near the border with the northern snow-covered areas. You can encounter stronger monsters and bandits on your way to the junkyard, but you can avoid them without fighting.

The main entrance to the Crater is on its southern side, next to the teleporter. Darius, the guard, will welcome you on your first visit and offer you a free bag of elexit. Squirt, a boy who will offer to give you a tour of the Crater, may try to cheat and rob Jax.

Xander guards the only passage to the upper district of the Crater, making it inaccessible at first. However, you can bribe him if you don’t want to wait until you have progressed enough in the main storyline. Once you pay the bribe, you can enter the district and avoid Xander by using a jetpack. You won’t be bothered by other guards in the upper district after that.


The Albs’ HQ, known as the Depot, is situated in the northern part of the world map, in snow-covered areas. On your way to the Depot, you may encounter stronger monsters, most of which are in the ruins of residential buildings south of the Albs’ base. However, you can avoid any fights if you wish.

The main entrance to the Depot is in its southern part. Radyk will greet you on your first visit and suggest a tour of the most significant locations in the Albs’ HQ. Once you’ve completed the tour, you can explore the base freely without any restrictions.


The Clerics’ headquarters, called the Castle, is located in the central part of the map, to the north-west of the Bastion, near the border with snowy areas. You can easily reach the eastern entrance to the Castle and avoid any fights on the way.

Alex will stop you when you try to use the main eastern entrance to the Castle during your first visit. However, she will show you around the Castle and introduce you to Hagen. After the meeting, you can explore the Castle freely without any restrictions.


During the initial phase of the campaign, Bastion becomes a base for Jax and his allies, also known as The 6th Power. It is located in the central part of the map, to the north of the location you’ll find after completing the prologue.

Bastion is an unusual location where only Adam will be present when you first discover it. However, more people will arrive over the course of the campaign, including recruited companions who can wait in the Bastion until you add them to the active team. Additionally, other NPCs related to the progress of the story will start to appear.


1. What are the major cities in Elex 2?

The major cities in Elex 2 are Abessa, Tavar, Ignadon, and Xacor. Each city has its unique culture, architecture, and inhabitants. Abessa is the first city you encounter in the game and is located in the center of the map. Tavar is a desert city situated in the south, and Ignadon is a volcanic city in the east. Xacor is a cold and snowy city in the north and is the last city you visit in the game.

2. Can I fast travel between the major cities?

Yes, you can fast travel between the major cities in Elex 2. To do this, you need to discover a teleporter in each city and activate it. Then, you can use the world map to select the city you want to travel to and teleport there instantly. Fast travel is useful for saving time and avoiding dangerous areas in the game.

3. Are there any quests specific to each major city?

Yes, there are many quests specific to each major city in Elex 2. For example, in Abessa, you can help the Berserkers defend their territory from the Albs, or in Tavar, you can assist the Outlaws in their fight against the Duke’s troops. Each city has its unique storylines and characters, and completing quests in one city can affect your reputation and relationships with other factions in the game.

4. Is it possible to build my own base in one of the major cities?

Unfortunately, you cannot build your own base in one of the major cities in Elex 2. However, you can acquire a personal house in each city where you can store your items, rest, and access your crafting stations. Additionally, you can join one of the factions in the game and establish a base in their territory, which can serve as a hub for your adventures in Elex 2.

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