Exploring the World of Shadow of the Tomb Raider Game

This section provides tips and tricks on exploring the world of Shadow of the Tomb Raider. The chapter covers climbing, traversing the game’s main locations, exploring the areas, and dealing with potential threats.

Exploration is a major part of Shadow of the Tomb Raider and often involves climbing to hard-to-reach places. Lara starts with a climbing axe, which she uses for most moves. Climbing axes are used to climb walls, but players must press the right button to make Lara use the axe after jumping towards a wall. Otherwise, Lara will fall and die.

The climbing axe has other uses, but players won’t need most of them until later in the game. After sticking the axe into a wall, players can lower themselves using the rope. They can then swing on the rope to reach a new part or start wall running. Using the climbing axe with the rope requires precision. Lara can use it to reach higher latches or throw it to reach more distant climbing walls. In both cases, players must aim well, or Lara will fall or miss the target. Climbing gear, which includes climbing shoes, can later be obtained. Combining them with the axe will sometimes allow Lara to climb slanted walls. The general rules of climbing remain the same, but orientating oneself and finding interactive spots can be more difficult.

Rope lines are another important gadget. Players can shoot arrows at rope coils to pull items, such as wagons or levers, or join two objects with a rope. Lara has to stand next to one of the objects to do this.

The Survival Instinct is useful, but only available on lower difficulties. Players should use it as often as they can because it is “free.” The Survival Instinct can help players find resources, wild animals, enemies, mission objectives, interactive mechanisms, or secrets.

Playing on higher difficulties means that players can’t use the Survival Instinct to reach interactive objects and ledges during climbing. This isn’t a big inconvenience during the second playthrough because players should remember the most important fragments of climbs. Regardless of whether it’s the first visit in a location or not, players should not rush. They should check where they want to get exactly and place Lara in the right position. Players should always be ready to press the interaction button should Lara not be able to hold onto the ledge and be left stranded, hanging on one hand over a precipice. Only fast reactions will save her.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider features quasi-open locations, similar to the previous installment. Players can focus on the main storyline or explore the areas more thoroughly. In the latter case, they will find additional activities, such as hunting animals, collecting plants, visiting optional crypts and tombs, or taking additional quests.

In the game, all locations are connected, but some are inaccessible until you obtain certain items like a better knife, ascender, picklock, and shotgun. To learn more about upgrading Lara’s gear, visit the relevant section in this guide. Additionally, the game has a fast travel system, but it is not available at the start or during main quests. It’s best used for backtracking to distant locations to find treasures. Be cautious while exploring to avoid falling into gaps and watch out for traps that are mostly found in crypts and tombs. To help detect traps, purchase the Crow’s Cunning skill. Wild animals like wolves and jaguars pose a threat, so use dodging techniques and a bow to fight them. The Illipa’s Sight skill helps highlight the hearts of big animals. Lastly, be mindful of the limited air reserves while underwater and avoid piranhas and eels. The Caiman’s Breath skill can extend the time spent underwater.


What is exploration in Shadow of the Tomb Raider game?

Exploration in Shadow of the Tomb Raider game is the process of exploring the game world and discovering hidden secrets, artifacts, and treasures. Players can explore various environments, such as jungles, tombs, and cities, to uncover new challenges and rewards. The game encourages players to use their skills and intelligence to solve puzzles and overcome obstacles as they explore the vast world of Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

Why is exploration important in Shadow of the Tomb Raider game?

Exploration is an essential part of Shadow of the Tomb Raider game because it helps players immerse themselves in the game world and discover new aspects of the story and characters. By exploring the game world, players can also collect resources and upgrade weapons and equipment, which can help them in combat and other challenges. Additionally, exploration is a way for players to test their skills and creativity as they solve puzzles and overcome obstacles and challenges.

What are some tips for successful exploration in Shadow of the Tomb Raider game?

Some tips for successful exploration in Shadow of the Tomb Raider game include taking the time to explore every area thoroughly, using Lara’s skills and equipment to overcome obstacles, and keeping an eye out for hidden paths and secrets. Players should also pay attention to their environment and use it to their advantage, such as using mud to camouflage themselves or using ropes to swing across gaps. Additionally, players should be patient and persistent, as some puzzles and challenges may require multiple attempts to solve.

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