Horse Breeding in Farming Simulator 22: Tips and Tricks

This guide will introduce you to horse breeding in Farming Simulator 22. You will learn about the types of pens available, what to feed your horses, and how to improve their condition through horseback riding.

  • Types of Farm Houses
  • Types of Horses
  • Feeding and Straw
  • Cleaning and Horseback Riding
  • Breeding Horses for Profit
  • Profitability

Types of Farm Houses

  1. Pasture: 5 animals, feed capacity – 7,000l (requires water supply – capacity: 1,250l), price: €55,000
  2. Barn: 8 animals, food capacity – 11,500l, straw capacity: 3,200l, price: €118,500
  3. Large Barn: 14 animals, food capacity – 20,000l, straw capacity: 5,600l, price: €125,000

Note that the amount of food is shared between types (filling the storage container with hay means you can’t add grain).

Types of Horses

There are several breeds of horses available, but they all have the same parameters and differ only in appearance. Each horse costs €500, plus an extra €300 for transportation if you don’t use an animal trailer (which is recommended). The fee is also added when selling.

Feeding and Straw

Horses consume three types of food:

  1. Oat – efficiency: 60%,
  2. Sorghum – efficiency: 60%,
  3. Hay – efficiency: 40%.

You can use both grains interchangeably. Providing mixed feed will allow horses to recover health faster, depending on fitness. Straw can also be delivered by scattering it on the ground or by delivering bales to the place of unloading.

Note that you don’t have to worry about the “efficiency of food” for horses. Providing mixed feed will allow them to recover health faster, depending on fitness. Ultimately, the value of your animals is determined by how often you ride them.

Horses will feel better when you give them straw, which will accelerate the increase in their value (not for Pasture – there you need to provide water).

If you have the medium barn, you have to provide food through the large gate – it can be opened. However, you do not have to drive all the way inside – a marker indicating the option of emptying the contents will appear in front of the gate.

It is best to use a granular feed and shovel, especially in the case of a small farm house. You can put the food on the pile next to the barn. If you fill a farmhouse with only one type of food, wait until it is partially eaten – there is no option to empty the barn.

Cleaning and Horseback Riding

Fitness – Horse Riding

To maintain full Fitness for each horse, they require a daily ride. Interact with the horse and get on it using the interaction button. After that, leave the farmhouse by opening the gate or jumping over the fence. While galloping, the parameters of the “ride” increase at a rate of 1% per second, so it takes approximately 1.5 minutes to complete the daily exercise requirement.

The animal’s condition parameter increases by 1/4 of the riding time – for example, it increases by 25% when you complete 100% of the daily ride requirement.

Don’t leave the horse outside the pen after the ride, as it won’t return and won’t be visible in the animals’ panel until you bring it back.


After riding, the horse gets dirty – the parameter responsible for this is called Cleanliness. Its cleanliness decreases by 10% per day when it stays in the farmhouse. To clean the horse, click on it several times with the cursor turning into a brush.


Health depends on fulfilling all the animal’s needs – food, water/straw, and fitness. The actual price of the animal depends on this stat. The horse’s health starts to increase only when its Fitness level reaches at least 50%. Its health won’t decrease as long as all needs are met to some extent (e.g. the horse doesn’t have to be clean all the time or have fitness at 100%).

How to breed horses to earn without working a lot

Horses need to be raised for 36 months to reach their full value, which keeps increasing. However, you don’t have to take care of their fitness right from the beginning. Just provide them with food and let them grow up. You can start working on the animal’s fitness and health at any time without worsening your finances. Therefore, you should take care of the animal about 4-6 months before the sale to increase its value. The difference between a horse with a maximum and minimum level of Health is about 60% (a healthy horse costs €3,000, while a neglected one costs €1,200).


Horses can generate a lot of income, but it requires enough attention and work. This activity is time-consuming and not suitable for every player. Horses don’t reproduce. You need to devote a lot of time to them – after two years, a healthy horse will cost about €2,000 (about €1000 for each year of taking care of them).

The values are rounded. Production and consumption were calculated on a monthly basis, for 1 animal.


Purchase price


Food consumption (monthly)


Water consumption (monthly)


Straw consumption (monthly)


Decrease in cleanliness and fitness (monthly)


Increase in value (monthly)

~€50-100, depending on its health

The maximum value of an animal is €5,000 when it reaches 36 months of age. However, if the animal is neglected, its maximum value will drop to €1,500. Age does not have an impact on the final value. Both health and fitness are important factors that affect the value, so make sure to take care of them before selling.


1. How can I breed horses in Farming Simulator 22?

In Farming Simulator 22, breeding horses requires a bit of investment, time, and effort. First, you need to have at least one male and one female horse. Then, you need to purchase a horse stable and ensure that it has enough space for your horses. Once you have everything set up, you can start breeding your horses. To do this, you need to select the male and female horse you want to breed and place them in the stable. After a few days, the female horse will give birth to a foal.

2. What are some tips for breeding horses in Farming Simulator 22?

There are a few tips to keep in mind when breeding horses in Farming Simulator 22. Firstly, make sure that your horses are well-fed and healthy. This will increase the chances of a successful breeding. Additionally, ensure that your horse stable is clean and well-maintained. This will prevent any diseases from spreading and affecting your horses. Lastly, it’s a good idea to keep track of your horses’ breeding history. This will help you keep track of which horses have already bred and which ones haven’t.

3. Can I sell my horses in Farming Simulator 22?

Yes, you can sell your horses in Farming Simulator 22. To do this, you need to select the horse you want to sell and bring it to the horse dealer. You will receive a payment for the horse, which can vary depending on its age, breed, and overall quality. Keep in mind that selling your horses is a great way to make some extra money, but it also means that you won’t be able to breed them anymore.

4. What are some benefits of breeding horses in Farming Simulator 22?

There are several benefits to breeding horses in Farming Simulator 22. Firstly, it allows you to expand your farm’s income and revenue. Breeding horses can be a profitable venture, especially if you have high-quality horses. Additionally, breeding horses can also provide you with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Seeing your horses grow up and produce foals can be incredibly rewarding. Lastly, breeding horses can also add a new level of realism and immersion to your farming experience.

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