How to Join the Berserkers Faction in Elex

The Allies from the Middle Ages quest in Elex allows players to join the Berserkers faction. To complete this quest, players need to build their reputation by completing other quests.

It is important to note that joining the Berserkers faction means cancelling all quests for the remaining factions, namely the Outlaws and Clerics. Players can only be a member of one faction.

Talk to Ragnar to Join the Berserkers

Ragnar, located at the Hotel Ruins of Goliet in Goliet, is responsible for recruiting new Berserkers. The most important quest he gives is Departure to Foreign Lands, which requires players to visit other major cities in the game. Players will also need to complete other side quests, with the most important given by Angrim and Cormag.

Players can ask Ragnar about their current progress with the Berserkers. There are three possible outcomes:

  1. If players have completed enough quests and helped the Berserkers, Ragnar will welcome them into the faction.
  2. If players have not done enough, they need to keep working on it (they can find the chapter with side quests in Edan).
  3. If players have completed enough quests but made decisions that harmed the Berserkers’ society, Ragnar will deny their entry into the faction and forbid his traders from doing any business with Jax. However, this situation can still be resolved.

Pay 2000 Elexit to Gain Ragnar’s Trust

If Ragnar denies players’ entry into the faction, they can ask for one more chance to reclaim his trust. This will start the mini quest Making Things Right. Players need positive opinions from three important Berserkers:

  1. Ragnar will agree if players pay him 2000 Elexit (100XP).
  2. Cormag will agree right away (100XP).
  3. Angrim will help players if they promise to return the favor someday (he will ask them to do it when he is trying to become a warrior) (100XP).

Players will receive 2700XP for joining the Berserkers. They will also get the Cultivator Armor, one Berserkers skill point (unlocked by Cormag), and Magical Fist (players can choose from three options: fire, ice, or poison). Additionally, the shops in Goliet will offer new goods, and players can try to become a warrior.


1. How do I join the Berserkers faction in Elex?

To join the Berserkers faction in Elex, you need to complete the “The Power of the World Heart” quest, which is given to you by Ragnar, the leader of the Berserkers. This quest requires you to find a way to activate the World Heart, which is a powerful source of energy that the Berserkers use to survive in the post-apocalyptic world of Magalan.

Once you have completed this quest, Ragnar will offer you the chance to join the Berserkers. If you accept, you will be given a set of Berserker armor and become a part of the faction. From there, you can take on quests for the Berserkers and work to increase your standing within the faction.

2. What are the benefits of joining the Berserkers faction in Elex?

Joining the Berserkers faction in Elex comes with several benefits. Firstly, you will gain access to the World Heart, which provides you with a constant source of energy that can be used to power your weapons and abilities.

In addition, you will have access to Berserker armor and weapons, which are some of the best in the game. These items are tailored to the faction’s unique playstyle, which focuses on melee combat and magic.

Finally, joining the Berserkers faction will open up new quests and storylines for you to explore. You will be able to delve deeper into the faction’s history and culture, and work to gain the trust of its leaders and members.

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