Monolith Locations in Shadow of the Tomb Raider

In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, there are 12 monoliths to find and decipher. These can be found in major locations throughout the game. The monoliths are divided into three categories: Quechua dialect (4), Mam dialect (4), and Yucatec dialect (4). Although the monoliths are in easily accessible areas, they can only be deciphered when the relevant dialect is sufficiently understood. After reading each monolith, you must solve a verbal puzzle to find a hidden spot based on the hint received. Our guide provides a detailed description of how to find each monolith and solve its puzzle.

Monoliths in Shadow of the Tomb Raider

The 12 monoliths are divided by the dialects they are associated with. Our guide provides a video walkthrough for each puzzle:

  1. Quechua monoliths – found in Peruvian Jungle, Kuwaq Yaku, The Hidden City, and Mission of San Juan
  2. Mam monoliths – found in Kuwaq Yaku (2) and The Hidden City (2)
  3. Yucatec monoliths – found in The Hidden City (4)

The game recognizes a monolith as completed when you understand the message written on it, and Lara knows the dialect well enough to decipher the information. Finding the hidden cache associated with the verbal puzzle is a separate step. The map of the world marks the approximate location of the cache when the completed monolith is highlighted.


1. What are monoliths in Shadow of the Tomb Raider game?

Monoliths are large ancient structures that Lara Croft can interact with in Shadow of the Tomb Raider game. They require certain skills and knowledge to decipher and reveal a hidden location on the map. Monoliths are scattered across the game’s world and can be found in different regions, mostly in hidden places or high up on mountains.

2. How do I decipher monoliths in Shadow of the Tomb Raider game?

To decipher monoliths in Shadow of the Tomb Raider game, you need to have the proper language skill and collect all the necessary clues. You can learn new languages by finding artifacts, documents, or talking to locals. Once you have the required language skill, approach the monolith and interact with it to start the deciphering process. Use the clues you’ve collected to solve the puzzle and reveal the location of a hidden treasure or challenge tomb.

3. What rewards can I get from deciphering monoliths in Shadow of the Tomb Raider game?

Deciphering monoliths in Shadow of the Tomb Raider game can reward you with various items, such as treasure maps, outfits, weapons, or crafting materials. The rewards depend on the location of the monolith and the difficulty of the puzzle. Some monoliths may lead you to challenge tombs that offer unique rewards, such as new skills or upgrades for Lara’s abilities.

4. Can I return to monoliths in Shadow of the Tomb Raider game after deciphering them?

Yes, you can return to monoliths in Shadow of the Tomb Raider game after deciphering them. Once you’ve unlocked the location on the map, you can fast travel to it anytime you want. You can also interact with the monolith again to read the inscription and learn more about the ancient civilization that built it. However, you cannot decipher the same monolith twice, as it will only reveal the location once.

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