
Choosing Your Faction in Elex

Deciding on the right faction is crucial in Elex as it determines your character’s abilities and play style. Each faction has unique features that cater to specific preferences, so it’s essential to choose wisely.

  • Berserkers
  • Outlaws
  • Clerics


If you prefer using spells, the Berserkers are the ideal faction for you. They are renowned for their mastery of magic and boast abilities such as summoning ghosts, rapid healing, and damage amplification. They can also enchant weapons, particularly axes, swords, and hammers, and fire multiple arrows simultaneously with their bows. The Berserkers are perfect if you want a character that relies on melee combat and spellcasting.

  1. Faction capital: Goliet
  2. Faction leader: Ragnar
  3. Unique weapons: Axe, Warrior’s Sword, Ripblade,
  4. Unique armors: Cultivator Armor, Cultivator Helmet, Cultivator Pants, Warrior Armor, Warrior Helmet, Warrior Pants, Paladin Armor, Paladin Helmet, Paladin Pants

Cultivator Armor

Warrior Armor

Paladin Armor

Faction abilities:

  1. Berserker – This is the Berserkers’ basic ability that grants access to other abilities of this faction. It unlocks faction trainers, enables the purchase of equipment, and allows the use of mana. It also provides options for upgrading magic weapons and enhances poison resistance.
  2. Magic – Each new level increases the duration or damage of a spell.
  3. Mana – Each new level boosts the amount of available mana, which is used for spellcasting.
  4. Enchant Weapons – This ability allows you to enchant weapons and increase their damage.
  5. Scatter Shot – This skill enables you to fire multiple arrows simultaneously.
  6. Seeker Shot – This skill allows you to fire a homing arrow.
  7. Camouflage Spell – This spell reduces your chance of detection by enemies.
  8. Leather Skin Spell – This spell increases armor.
  9. Aspect of the Warrior Spell – This spell increases melee damage.
  10. Blood Transfer Spell – This spell allows you to convert your life into mana.
  11. Spirit Wolf Spell – This spell summons ghosts to aid you in combat.
  12. Sense Life Spell – This spell highlights all living creatures within your view.
  13. Poisonous Aura Spell – This spell deals poison area damage.
  14. Healing Spell – This spell heals your character and their companion.


The Outlaws specialize in using rifles that fire regular bullets (as opposed to plasma). They also spend a lot of time using workbenches to craft weapons, ammo, and stimulants that grant various bonuses. Additionally, they offer abilities that are useful for dismantling weapons and acquiring parts that can be sold or used in crafting.

  1. PSI user – Clerics’ basic ability that gives you access to other abilities of this faction. Unlocks faction trainers, allows you to buy their equipment, upgrade energy weapons and increases PSI resistance. Besides that, it removes experience penalty when you are using PSI abilities and allows you to use a few PSI abilities at the same time.
  2. Energy Shield – unlocks ability to create an energy shield that absorbs damage.
  3. PSI Regen – allows you to regenerate PSI points faster.
  4. PSI Power – each new level increases damage dealt by PSI abilities.
  5. PSI Empowerment – unlocks ability to create PSI amplifiers that increase damage dealt by PSI abilities.
  6. Energy Capacity – each new level increases number of energy cells that can be used at the same time.
  7. Energy Absorption – allows you to create a stimulant that temporarily increases energy resistance and regenerates energy cells.
  8. Energy Overload – allows you to create a stimulant that temporarily increases damage dealt by energy weapons.
  9. PSI Boost – allows you to create a stimulant that temporarily increases damage dealt by PSI abilities.
  10. Ghost – allows you to create a stimulant that temporarily makes you invisible.
  11. PSI Shield – allows you to create a stimulant that temporarily increases PSI resistance.
  12. PSI Projection – allows you to create a stimulant that temporarily creates a hologram that attracts enemies’ attention.
  13. PSI Wave – allows you to create a stimulant that temporarily deals damage to all enemies in the area.
  14. PSI Teleport – allows you to create a stimulant that temporarily teleports you to a selected location.
  15. PSI Heal – allows you to create a stimulant that temporarily regenerates health.


Outlaws are a great choice if you prefer close combat and want to use mechanical weapons like spearguns, harpoons or scrap shotguns. Outlaws also have access to various stimulants that enhance their combat abilities.

  1. Faction capital: Fort
  2. Faction leader: William
  3. Unique weapons: Speargun, Harpoon, Reaperblade, Scrapshotgun
  4. Unique armors: Runner Armor, Runner Helmet, Runner Pants, Enforcer Armor, Enforcer Helmet, Enforcer Pants, Captain Armor, Captain Helmet, Captain Pants

Runner Armor

Enforcer Armor

Captain Armor

Faction abilities:

The Clerics’ basic ability grants access to other abilities within the faction. This includes unlocking faction trainers, the ability to purchase their equipment, and the use of PSI abilities and upgraded energy weapons. Additionally, fire resistance is increased. As PSI abilities increase in level, their duration and damage also increase. Battery levels increase the amount of energy used by PSI abilities. The High-Tech Weaponsmith ability allows for the creation of Clerics’ weapons using a workbench. The One Man Army ability increases damage when traveling without a companion. Suggestion unlocks new dialog options that can influence other characters in certain situations. Technophile unlocks a PSI ability that highlights synthetic creatures and high-tech equipment. The Cleansing Ability unlocks a PSI ability that removes all effects inflicted on the player. Power Shield unlocks a PSI ability that creates a protective force field. One with the Weapon Ability increases ranged weapon damage. Phasing Ability unlocks a PSI ability that allows for short-distance teleportation, leaving a hologram in the hero’s original location. Power Wave Ability creates a wave that deals damage. The Last Stand Ability revives the hero with half health. Projection Ability allows for the creation of a hologram to distract enemies.


1. What are the factions in Elex and what distinguishes them?

In Elex, there are three factions to choose from: the Berserkers, the Outlaws, and the Clerics. Each faction has its own ideology, style, and abilities. The Berserkers are a nature-loving group that values ancient traditions and magic. They live in a forest and use swords and axes as their weapons. The Outlaws are a rebellious gang that lives in the desert and values freedom and technology. They use guns and explosives to fight their enemies. The Clerics are a religious order that worships an AI god and seeks to bring order and progress to the world. They use energy weapons and drones to achieve their goals.

2. How do my choices affect the game story and gameplay?

Your choice of faction affects the story and gameplay significantly. Each faction has its own quests, allies, enemies, and rewards. You can only join one faction at a time, so you have to weigh the pros and cons of each before making a decision. Some factions may offer more protection or resources, while others may offer more power or freedom. Your faction choice also affects your reputation with other factions and NPCs. Some factions may become hostile or friendly based on your actions. Furthermore, some quests and areas may only be accessible to certain factions or require certain skills or equipment.

3. Can I switch factions or join multiple factions?

You can switch factions or join multiple factions, but it comes with consequences. If you switch factions, you may lose progress, reputation, or even companions. Some factions may also become hostile to you if you betray them. If you join multiple factions, you may have conflicting interests or quests. However, some factions may allow you to do certain quests or tasks for them without committing fully. It’s up to you to decide which path to take and how to navigate the complex world of Magalan.

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