
Crafting – Basics

Crafting – Basics

Access to the workshop mode is necessary to start modifying the settlement. You can activate it by walking towards the workshop or by changing the view from third person perspective to first person perspective (if you’re in the building zone). The interface will change, and you will see a category menu in the lower part of the screen and a few pointers in the upper part. Additionally, an aura will show you the border of the settlement (check the picture below).

The pointers in the upper part of the screen show the basic statistics of the settlement, which depend on how developed the location is.

In workshop mode, you can build new structures (like beds, walls, and generators) and disassemble the objects that already exist in the game world by pressing the reload building. After you point them with the cursor, these structures are surrounded by a frame (as seen in the picture below).

Structures marked with a yellow color cannot be moved or stacked directly in the workshop. The ones marked with the same color as the interface can be stacked.

You can process almost every part of the game world. Disassembling structures will add resources to the workshop (as seen in the picture below).

IMPORTANT: Resources created by processing (called junk in the game) are stocked in the workshop available in that location. If you haven’t created a supply route, you will not have access to all the junk in workshop mode.

Junk collected during free exploration (not in workshop mode) can be stocked in the workshop by pressing a single button (see the picture below).

Every structure that allows crafting can serve as a workshop, including Power Armor workshops, a stove, or armory table.

Collected resources (junk) can be used to create various items and structures.

Crafting – Finding Resources

Proper resources (junk) are necessary for crafting. Without resources, you won’t create any constructions or items. Resources can be obtained by gathering them or processing elements of your surroundings.

Fallout 4 has a system that allows you to mark resources that you are interested in. To do this, select an item to create in workshop mode (or while upgrading items) for which you don’t have all the necessary resources. Then press the button assigned to the “mark as to search” action. A magnifier icon will appear next to their names (as shown in the picture below).

From now on, whenever you find an item containing one of the marked resources, a magnifier icon will also appear next to its name (as shown in the picture below).

How to Activate Devices Requiring Electricity in Crafting?

In order to activate devices that require electricity, you need to connect them to a generator. However, keep in mind that the generator has a limited number of power units. To connect a device, mark the generator and press the jump button. Then, select the object you want to power up and press the jump button again (as shown in the picture below). Don’t forget to turn on the generator by walking towards it and pressing the action button.

IMPORTANT: There should be no obstacles between the generator and the device that needs to be powered up.

The power line connects the generator on the left to the guard outpost. The white contour indicates that the cable can be connected.

You can disconnect the power cables by pointing them with the cursor and pressing the Pip-Boy button. Also, make sure that the generator provides enough power units to the device it is powering. If it delivers insufficient power, the device won’t work.

For some devices that require power, you can use an adapter to connect them (as shown in the image below).

To turn on the TV, you need to connect it to an adapter.


What is crafting?

Crafting is the process of creating something by hand using various materials. It is a way to express creativity and produce unique items that are often one-of-a-kind. Crafting can involve a range of techniques, such as sewing, knitting, crocheting, painting, woodworking, and more.

What are the benefits of crafting?

Crafting has many benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving mental health, and enhancing creativity. It can also provide a sense of accomplishment and pride in the finished product. Additionally, crafting can be a social activity, allowing people to connect and build relationships with others who share similar interests.

What materials do I need to start crafting?

The materials needed for crafting will depend on the type of craft you are interested in. Some basic materials that are useful for many types of crafting include scissors, glue, paper, paint, and a variety of fabrics. It’s a good idea to start with a simple project and then purchase additional materials as you become more familiar with the craft.

Where can I find crafting ideas?

There are many resources available for finding crafting ideas, including books, magazines, websites, and social media platforms. Pinterest is a popular platform for discovering new projects and tutorials. Many craft stores also offer classes and workshops, which can be a great way to learn new techniques and connect with other crafters.

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