
Common Technical Issues in LEGO Skywalker Saga

This guide compiles a list of common bugs and technical problems encountered in the LEGO Skywalker Saga game, including slowdowns, game hangs, and glitches in missions.

This page will provide solutions to the most common errors and technical issues. You will learn what to do when the animation starts lagging, how to fix the issue with your character getting stuck, and what to do when you can’t throw the lightsaber, among other bugs.

  • Animation lag and screen tearing
  • Game crashing
  • Issues with throwing the lightsaber
  • Dubbing not working
  • Characters getting stuck in the environment

Animation Lag and Screen Tearing

Unfortunately, the LEGO Skywalker Saga is not optimized well, which often results in animation lag and screen tearing when rotating the camera. The issue occurs during fights, sky battles, and quests involving complex locations like the Droid Factory Frenzy from episode 2. Even powerful PCs and new generation consoles are not exempt from this issue.

If you’re playing on a PC, consider lowering the resolution and graphics quality. This change doesn’t have to be permanent, and you can switch back to the better graphics settings after completing a location that puts a strain on your gear.

PS5 and Xbox Series versions have no graphics modes to select from. The only available option is the animation frame rate cap. The game aims at 60 frames by default, but you can cap the frames at 30 to lower the chances of screen tearing and sudden animation lag.

Game Crashing

The PC version of the LEGO Skywalker Saga is known to crash. You may experience a black screen when launching the game or it crashing to desktop at random moments, as well as input lag, sudden drops in animation, or game stuttering.

We recommend updating the game to the latest version, installing the latest graphics card drivers, updating the operating system, decreasing the graphics settings in the options, and disabling or pausing as many background applications as possible that may result in conflicts.

The console versions should be exempt from crashing, although they struggle to keep the animations perfectly fluid.

Issues with Throwing the Lightsaber

One of the more bothersome bugs in the game is the issue with being unable to throw the lightsaber. For example, this can occur when facing against Kylo Ren during episode 7.

This issue can’t be fully solved, and you’ll have to resort to simple sword swings by pressing a different button.

Problems with Dubbing

When you start playing the game, you may come across some bugs where the dubbing crashes or doesn’t work properly. This can make it difficult to understand the storyline.

To fix this problem, you need to restart the game. Once you do that, the dubbing should start working again. Unfortunately, you will lose all progress made during the last level, except for any collectibles you’ve gathered.

Characters Stuck in Environment

Another issue that you may encounter is when characters or starships get stuck in the environment, which can prevent you from moving forward in the game.

If this happens while playing as a character, try doing a double jump or dodge. If you’re controlling a spaceship, try doing a barrel roll (L1 R1 / LB RB). If none of these actions work, you will need to restart the game. After you do that, you should be able to move freely again. However, you will lose any progress made during the last level, except for any collectibles you’ve gathered.


What are some common technical issues in LEGO Skywalker Saga?

LEGO Skywalker Saga is a fun and exciting game, but it’s not without its technical issues. One common issue is crashing, which can happen at any point in the game. Some players have also reported glitches, such as characters getting stuck in walls or objects disappearing. Another issue is slow loading times, which can be frustrating when you’re trying to progress through the game quickly. Some players have also reported issues with the audio, such as sound effects not playing or dialogue being out of sync with the characters’ movements. If you’re experiencing any of these issues, it’s important to check for updates and make sure your system meets the game’s minimum requirements.

How can I fix technical issues in LEGO Skywalker Saga?

If you’re experiencing technical issues in LEGO Skywalker Saga, there are a few steps you can take to try and fix them. First, make sure your system meets the game’s minimum requirements. If it doesn’t, you may need to upgrade your hardware. If your system does meet the requirements, try checking for updates and installing any available patches. You can also try restarting your system or reinstalling the game. If you’re experiencing issues with sound or graphics, try adjusting the settings in the game’s options menu. If none of these steps work, you may need to contact the game’s support team for further assistance.

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