
To unlock this quest, you must complete Mass Fusion in the Institute (M5,6).

The quest objectives include:

  • Talk to Father
  • Reach Graygarden
  • Talk to Minuteman contact
  • Eliminate forces of the Institute – this objective only activates if you decide to help Minutemen and resolve matters with force
  • Talk to Enrico Thompson – this objective only activates if the people at the Institute did not die
  • Talk to Wallace – this objective only activates if the people at the Institute did not die

Reaching Graygarden

After speaking with Father, set Graygarden as your destination. When you arrive, ignore the farm managed by robots and head towards the nearby tenement. In front of the building, you will encounter either Minutemen or Gunners if you have had no contact with them yet.

Solving the Conflict at the Farm

If you encounter Gunners, the only way to resolve the conflict is to kill them. If you encounter Minutemen, you have two main solutions:

  • Tell the Minutemen to stop their actions. You can issue a regular order to them or use Charisma and pick one of the special dialogue options to convince them that it is just a misunderstanding.
  • Join the Minutemen and kill everybody connected with the Institute. You need to enter the building and murder them all. This action will make you the enemy of the Institute, and you will no longer be able to work for them.

Meeting with Enrico Thompson and Wallace

If you killed the Gunners or convinced the Minutemen to leave the farm, you can meet with Enrico Thompson inside the building. After the conversation, approach the door behind which scientist T.S. Wallace is barricaded. You can convince him to cooperate with the Institute, even if you choose “regular” dialogue options. You can also use Charisma to calm him down or intimidate him. Finally, speak to Enrico, who thanks you for your help.

Quest rewards include experience points and a new quest at the Institute (Powering Up) only if you helped the workers of the Institute.


What does it mean to “pin” something?

“Pinning” refers to the act of saving a specific post or item to a designated location, such as a pinboard or favorites section. This is often done on social media platforms or bookmarking websites, and allows users to easily revisit content that they found interesting or useful. For example, on Pinterest, users can “pin” images or articles to their boards, which can then be organized and categorized based on their interests. Similarly, on Twitter, users can “pin” a tweet to their profile page, making it easy for others to see what they’re currently interested in or promoting. Overall, pinning is a convenient way to save and organize online content, making it easy to revisit and share with others.

How do I unpin something?

To unpin something, you will need to go to the location where you originally pinned the item. For example, if you pinned something to your Pinterest board, you will need to go to that board to unpin it. Once you are on the correct page, look for the option to “unpin” or “remove” the item. This option may be located next to the item itself or in a drop-down menu. Click on the appropriate option and confirm that you want to unpin the item. Once you have done this, the item will be removed from your pinboard or favorites section. It is important to note that removing an item from your pinboard or favorites section does not delete it from the internet entirely, so it may still be accessible to others who have shared it or posted it elsewhere.

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