A Daedra’s Best Friend – p. 1

How to Start the Quest

In order to complete this quest, you must reach level 10. It is recommended that you wait until you are stronger, as you will encounter some difficult enemy mages and vampires.

First, make your way to Falkreath. It can be found in the southern region of the map (as shown in the image above). If you have not yet discovered Falkreath, start in Riverwood and head southwest.

When you arrive in Falkreath, you can immediately start the quest or spend some time learning about it. Speak with one of the Falkreath guards (as shown in the image above) to learn that a blacksmith named Lod is searching for his lost dog. This will unlock the Miscellaneous quest “Speak to Lod.”

Lod’s house is located in the southeast part of Falkreath. Depending on the time of day, he may be inside (with the door locked) or working outside (as shown in the image above). Speak with him to learn that he needs a dog for company. He will give you some meat for the dog, or if you have high speech, persuade him to give you 25 gold. This will unlock the Miscellaneous quest “Find the dog outside Falkreath.”

Leave town by heading southwest and staying on the main road. Eventually, you will come across a dog named Barbas, who will surprisingly speak to you. He will tell you that he is trying to reconcile with his master, Clavicus Vile, the Daedric Lord of wishes. You will be asked to accompany Barbas to Haemar’s Shame to speak with Clavicus.

Heading to Haemar’s Shame

New main objective: Travel with Barbas to the shrine of Clavicus Vile

Barbas will head towards the destination, but it is recommended that you use fast travel to get there more quickly. Open the world map and locate Haemar’s Shame in the southern part of Skyrim (as shown in the image above). The easiest way to get there is to travel from the nearby village of Ivarstead.

From Ivarstead, head south and then turn southwest and eventually west. You will know you are on the right path when you pass by Honeystrand Cave and Alchemist’s Shack (as shown in the image above). Watch out for wild animals such as wolves and bears that often appear in this area.

Eventually, you will come across a mountain path leading west. Follow the road until you reach the entrance to Haemar’s Shame (as shown in the image above). Save your game, enter the cave, and start exploring. You will encounter your first enemy in the next room, most likely a vampire. Eliminate them, check the upper balcony, and head into the eastern corridor.

The journey through the cave is full of battles with powerful enemies, especially vampires. It is important to remember that they can suck life out of living creatures. After completing the quest, it is recommended to ensure that the main hero does not meet the requirements to become a vampire and heal while it is still undeveloped. The next big cavern is occupied by new enemies, and the focus should be on quickly eliminating the Vampire Nightstalker. The Mistwalker is the strongest vampire in the western tunnel, and it is important to defeat it. After the fight, don’t forget to check the southern storage room. In the linear corridors, be ready to fight with Frost Spider. The last southern cave is where Barbas fights the vampires, and it is important to focus on the stronger kinds of vampires and especially the Master Vampire. After the fight, check the bodies of all the vampires and look for a chest on the upper balcony which holds precious items. Finally, approach the large statue of Clavicus Vile and interact with it to speak to the Daedric Lord. The only reasonable request is suggesting that Clavicus should bury the hatchet with Barbas, and he will give you a mission of recovering a certain powerful axe.


1. What is “A Daedra’s Best Friend” quest in Skyrim?

“A Daedra’s Best Friend” is a quest in the game Skyrim where the player is tasked with helping a man named Barbas find his master, Clavicus Vile. The quest involves traveling to different locations and completing various tasks in order to reunite the two characters.”

2. Who is Barbas and what is his role in the quest?

Barbas is a talking dog who is the companion of Clavicus Vile. He is the one who approaches the player and asks for their help in finding his missing master. Throughout the quest, Barbas serves as a guide for the player and provides helpful information about what needs to be done in order to complete each objective.

3. What are the rewards for completing “A Daedra’s Best Friend” quest?

Upon completion of the quest, the player is rewarded with the Masque of Clavicus Vile, a unique helmet that increases the player’s Speech and Magicka regeneration. Additionally, the player can choose to receive the Rueful Axe as a reward, which is a powerful one-handed weapon. However, choosing the axe results in Barbas leaving the player’s side and returning to his master.

4. Are there any moral implications to completing “A Daedra’s Best Friend” quest?

There are some moral implications to completing the quest, as Clavicus Vile is a Daedric Prince and completing his tasks often involves making morally ambiguous decisions. Additionally, choosing to keep the Rueful Axe instead of returning it to Clavicus Vile results in Barbas leaving the player’s side, which may be seen as a negative consequence.

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