Astrariums and Ocularums in Emprise du Lion

Important details about Astrariums and Ocularums in M15 Emprise du Lion – Dragon Age: Inquisition

Learn about Astrariums and Ocularums in Emprise du Lion.

Explore the ocularums on the map to find hidden shards in Emprise du Lion. Some of them may be difficult to locate, so refer to the game’s walkthrough for additional help.

Note that there are no astraries in Emprise du Lion.


1. What are Astrariums and Ocularums in Emprise du Lion?

Astrariums and Ocularums are puzzle structures found in the Emprise du Lion region of Dragon Age: Inquisition. Astrariums are large stone structures that contain a puzzle with a constellation pattern that must be solved. Ocularums are smaller structures that require the player to find and interact with them in order to reveal hidden items and landmarks on the map. Both Astrariums and Ocularums play an important role in uncovering secrets and completing quests in Emprise du Lion.

2. What do I need to solve the Astrarium puzzles?

To solve the Astrarium puzzles, you need to have a basic understanding of constellations. The puzzles require you to connect the stars in the correct order to reveal a hidden image, usually related to a quest or landmark in the region. You can also find clues to the solutions in nearby notes or landmarks. It may take some trial and error, but with patience and attention to detail, you can solve the Astrarium puzzles.

3. How do I interact with Ocularums?

To interact with Ocularums, you need to find them first. They are usually found in hidden locations or near landmarks in Emprise du Lion. Once you find an Ocularum, you need to interact with it by pressing the interact button. This will reveal hidden items and landmarks on the map. You can interact with an Ocularum multiple times to reveal additional secrets.

4. What rewards do I get for solving Astrarium puzzles and interacting with Ocularums?

Completing Astrarium puzzles unlocks hidden treasures and landmarks on the map, as well as providing clues to quests and other secrets in the region. Interacting with Ocularums reveals hidden items and landmarks on the map, including rare crafting materials and powerful enemies. Both Astrariums and Ocularums are essential for completing quests and uncovering all the secrets in Emprise du Lion.

5. Are there any tips for solving Astrarium puzzles and finding Ocularums?

It’s always a good idea to explore the region thoroughly and look for clues in nearby landmarks and notes. Take your time and pay attention to detail when solving Astrarium puzzles, as they can be tricky. When searching for Ocularums, listen for the distinct humming sound they make and keep an eye out for hidden paths and alcoves. Don’t be afraid to use your map to help you navigate the region and find hidden items and landmarks.

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