Caged Confession

How to Unlock: Obtain the letter found on the wooden scaffolding.

Quest Giver: – (M15,22)

The letter can be found on top of the boxes

Search for a parchment lying on top of some boxes on a wooden scaffolding, which contains the confession of a prisoner. Then, bring it to Louis (M15,22a) in Sahrnia.

Louis and Linette

You have the option to give the testimony to either Louis or Linette, but this decision has little effect on the gameplay. The only difference is that if you deliver the testimony to Linette, one of your companions may disapprove of your actions.


  • Experience (small amount)
  • 150 Inquisition influence


What is Caged Confession?

Caged Confession is a form of therapy that involves writing down your deepest thoughts and emotions in a journal or notebook that is kept locked away. The idea is that by keeping your confessions locked up, you are able to express yourself freely without fear of judgment or repercussions. This therapy can help individuals deal with a variety of issues, including anxiety, depression, trauma, and relationship problems.

How does Caged Confession work?

The act of writing down your thoughts and emotions can be cathartic and therapeutic. By keeping your confessions locked up, you are able to express yourself freely without fear of judgment. This can help you to process your emotions and come to a deeper understanding of yourself and your feelings. Additionally, the act of physically locking away your confessions can be symbolic of letting go and moving on from past traumas or negative experiences.

Is Caged Confession effective?

Caged Confession can be a highly effective form of therapy for many individuals. By providing a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to express themselves, this therapy can help individuals to process complex emotions and work through challenging issues. Additionally, the act of physically locking away your confessions can be a powerful symbol of taking control of your emotions and moving forward with your life.

How do I get started with Caged Confession?

To get started with Caged Confession, all you need is a notebook or journal that you can keep locked away. You can then begin to write down your deepest thoughts and emotions, being as honest and vulnerable as possible. It can be helpful to set aside a specific time each day to write, and to create a safe and peaceful space where you can reflect and express yourself freely.

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