Codex Entries | Sulevin’s Cradle

Important Information about M26 Sulevin’s Cradle – Codex Entries – Dragon Age: Inquisition

Codex Entries

The map above displays three codex entries that can be found in Sulevin’s Cradle. This is a small area that you will visit after discovering notes about the Sulevin Blade. Don’t worry if you can’t locate all of them on your first visit, as you will have the opportunity to return later in the game.


1. What are Codex entries in the game Cradle of Sulevin?

Codex entries are a collection of lore and information that players can discover throughout the game. In Cradle of Sulevin, these entries provide insight into the history and culture of the elven kingdom. They can be found in various locations, including hidden rooms, caves, and ruins. Reading Codex entries can enhance the player’s understanding of the game’s world and its characters.

2. How many Codex entries are there in Cradle of Sulevin?

The number of Codex entries in Cradle of Sulevin varies depending on the player’s actions and exploration. There are over 100 entries in the game, but some may only be accessible through completing specific quests or discovering hidden areas. Each entry provides a unique piece of information that expands the game’s lore and history.

3. Can Codex entries be missed or skipped?

Yes, it is possible to miss or skip Codex entries in Cradle of Sulevin. Some entries are only accessible through completing specific quests or exploring hidden areas, so if the player does not pursue these paths, they may miss out on certain entries. However, players can always return to previously explored areas to find missed entries. It is also possible to skip entries if the player chooses not to read them when they are discovered.

4. Are Codex entries necessary to complete the game?

No, Codex entries are not necessary to complete the main storyline of Cradle of Sulevin. However, they do provide valuable information about the game’s world and characters. Reading Codex entries can also lead to additional quests or rewards, making them a valuable addition to the game’s overall experience.

5. Can Codex entries be revisited after they have been read?

Yes, players can revisit Codex entries at any time by accessing the game’s menu and navigating to the Codex section. The entries are organized by category, making it easy for players to find the information they are looking for. Revisiting entries can be helpful for refreshing the player’s memory or for finding information about a specific character or event.

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