Dealing with Demons

How to start: Automatically, after examining the Inscription.

Quest giver: – (M11,1)

The Demonic Dogma quest becomes available during the Champions of the Just main quest when the Envy Demon takes you to the Nightmare. Once you reach the chamber with the green flames, examine the South-Western part of the chamber to find an obstacle that your character must overcome. Warriors can smash through a wall, rogues need to pick a lock, while mages must deactivate a barrier.

The first inscription can be found in a small room after overcoming the obstacle. Examine the inscription on the boulder (M11,1) to add the quest to your log and receive 1 point of Cunning. There are two more inscriptions to find.

The second inscription can be found in the Prison section of the nightmare. After kindling fires in several parts of the prison, return to the area where you started and search for the Prison Key in the cells (M11,1a). Use the key on the Southern door (M11,1b) to find the second inscription and receive 2 permanent Constitution points.

Overcome the obstacle in the next room (M11,1c) to find the third inscription (M11,1d) and receive 3 Willpower points.

Rewards for completing the quest: 1 Cunning point, 2 Constitution points, 3 Willpower points, and a little experience.


1) What is Demonic Dogma?

Demonic Dogma is a belief system that revolves around the idea of demons or evil spirits possessing and influencing human behavior. This belief system is prevalent in many cultures and has been around for centuries. According to this belief system, demons can enter a person’s body and alter their thoughts and actions. The belief in Demonic Dogma often leads to practices such as exorcism, which involves the expulsion of demons from a person’s body through religious rituals.

2) How does Demonic Dogma affect mental health?

Demonic Dogma can have a negative impact on mental health as it often involves a fear of possession or being under the influence of evil spirits. This can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Individuals who believe in Demonic Dogma may experience paranoia and fear that they are being targeted by demons. This can lead to a sense of isolation and social withdrawal. Additionally, the use of exorcism as a treatment for mental illness can be harmful and has been linked to cases of physical and emotional abuse.

3) Is there any scientific evidence to support the existence of demons?

No, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of demons or evil spirits. The belief in Demonic Dogma is based on religious and cultural beliefs rather than scientific fact. Many of the symptoms associated with possession, such as seizures and altered states of consciousness, can be explained by medical conditions or psychological disorders. It is important to seek professional help from trained medical and mental health professionals to address any concerns related to mental and emotional wellbeing.

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