Dealing with Wolf Threat

How to unlock: Speak with Dennett after completing the Master of Horses quest.

Quest provider: Elaina (M3,3)


Elaina can be found in the garden near Dennett’s house. She needs you to deal with a group of wolves that reside in the cave to the North-West of the farmlands (M3,3a). To reach the cave, you must follow the river to the East of the farms.

Wolves inside the cave

Upon reaching the cave, you will encounter two groups of animals, one outside and one inside. A Minor Wraith also resides inside the cave and will join the wolves in the fight. Once you have eliminated the threat and killed all the wolves, return to Elaina.

Rewards for completing the quest:

  • Medium amount of experience
  • 80 Influence points
  • 1 Power point


1. What is the problem with wolves?

The problem with wolves is that they can pose a threat to livestock and sometimes even humans. Wolves are predators and are known to attack and kill livestock such as sheep, cows, and chickens. This can cause significant financial loss for farmers and ranchers. In some cases, wolves have also been known to attack humans, although these incidents are rare.

2. Why are wolves important to the ecosystem?

Wolves play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. They are apex predators, which means they help control the populations of other animals in their habitat. For example, by hunting deer, wolves prevent overgrazing, which can negatively impact plant life. Wolves also help to maintain the balance of their ecosystem by removing weak or sick animals from the population, which helps to prevent the spread of disease.

3. What is being done to address the conflict between wolves and humans?

Various measures are being taken to address the conflict between wolves and humans. One approach is to implement non-lethal methods of deterring wolves from attacking livestock, such as using guard dogs or electric fencing. Another approach is to relocate wolves to areas with fewer human populations. In some cases, lethal methods such as hunting or culling may be used to control wolf populations, although these methods are controversial and can have negative impacts on the ecosystem.

4. How can people coexist with wolves?

Coexisting with wolves requires a combination of education, prevention, and management. This includes educating people about the importance of wolves in the ecosystem and the need for conservation efforts. Prevention measures such as using non-lethal methods to protect livestock and avoiding areas where wolves are known to be active can also help reduce conflict. Finally, effective management strategies such as population monitoring and control can help ensure that wolf populations remain healthy while minimizing the risk of conflict with humans.

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