Does Plague Tale Requiem Have Performance Mode and 60 FPS on PS5 and XSX?

This guide will inform you about the availability of performance mode and 60 fps gameplay on PS5 and XSX consoles for Plague Tale Requiem. We will also discuss the graphics settings available on consoles and how the game runs on PS5.

Plague Tale Requiem is a highly demanding game, and it is important to know how it performs on PS5 and XSX consoles. This guide will provide information on whether the game supports Performance and Quality modes and if consoles support 60 FPS.

  • Are Performance and Quality modes available?
  • How good is the optimization on consoles?

Are Performance and Quality modes available?

Plague Tale Requiem on PS5 and Xbox Series X consoles does not have separate Quality and Performance modes. The graphics menu only has four settings available:

  1. Brightness;
  2. HDR Settings;
  3. Motion blur – enabled by default;
  4. Chromatic aberration – by default, set to normal.

The game runs at 30 frames per second on consoles, which is lower than the previous installment’s 60 FPS on PS5 and XSX consoles. Unfortunately, the sequel does not support 60 FPS on consoles.

Please note that the above information is current as of the game’s release date. Updates may be released in the future that offer additional graphics modes and 60 FPS (at the expense of graphics quality).

How good is the optimization on consoles?

This guide is based on the PlayStation 5 version of the game. Plague Tale Requiem runs well on PS5, although there are some flaws. The game maintains 30 frames per second most of the time, and the graphics quality is satisfactory.

However, there is some screen tearing and animation slowdown, especially during scenes involving fire (as shown in the screenshot). In such cases, the framerate may drop significantly. However, animation drops should not occur during stealth or combat. In addition, the game does not crash, so you do not have to worry about losing your progress.


1. Is Performance Mode available in Plague Tale Requiem on PS5 and XSX?

Yes, Performance Mode is available in Plague Tale Requiem on both PS5 and XSX. This mode allows players to enjoy the game at a higher frame rate, providing a smoother and more responsive experience. However, it’s worth noting that enabling Performance Mode may result in a slight decrease in visual fidelity, as the game is pushing more frames per second.

2. Can I play Plague Tale Requiem at 60 FPS on PS5 and XSX?

Yes, you can play Plague Tale Requiem at 60 FPS on both PS5 and XSX. This high frame rate is available when playing in Performance Mode, which is a great option for players who value smooth gameplay over visual fidelity. However, if you’d prefer a more cinematic experience with better graphics, you may want to play in the game’s default mode instead.

3. How does Plague Tale Requiem run on PS5 and XSX?

Plague Tale Requiem runs great on both PS5 and XSX, with fast load times and smooth performance. In addition to Performance Mode and 60 FPS support, the game also takes advantage of the powerful hardware in these consoles to deliver stunning visuals and immersive audio. Whether you’re playing on PS5 or XSX, you can expect a fantastic experience with Plague Tale Requiem.

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