Dragon Age: Origins Plot

The events of Dragon Age: Origins start in the year 9:30 Dragon. The player meets Grey Warden Duncan and becomes a Warden regardless of their choices during character creation. The protagonist and Alistair, another Grey Warden, are sent to the Korcari Wilds to collect darkspawn blood and retrieve treaties. They meet Morrigan, a witch, who takes them to her powerful mother Flemeth’s house to obtain the scrolls. Afterward, they return to Ostagar.

Ostagar was the site of the first battle with the darkspawn during the Fifth Blight.

During the battle, Loghain betrays King Cailan and backs up his forces, resulting in the king and Duncan’s death. Flemeth saves the heroes and allows them to rest before starting their mission to save the world from the Blight. They plan to unite the dwarves, elves, mages, and knights of Ferelden in one army using the scrolls. The heroes, Morrigan, Alistair, and the player character, head north.

Meanwhile, Loghain lies about the battle of Ostagar and outlaws the Grey Wardens, ultimately leading to a civil war in Ferelden. The heroes stop at Lothering and recruit Leliana, a bard, and Sten, a Qunari, to join their team. The game allows the player to visit various places in any order from Lothering.


Alistair and Morrigan are the two most important team members in Dragon Age: Origins.

Assuming that the player starts their journey from Redcliffe, Alistair discloses that he is the illegitimate son of King Maric (Cailan’s father) and has the right to the throne since all other descendants are dead. However, he doesn’t want to rule Ferelden. Currently, Redcliffe is under attack by demons from the Fade, caused by Connor, Arl Eamon’s son, who possesses wild magic that was kept hidden but got out of control when he tried to heal his poisoned father. After defeating the demons, the team sets out to find a cure for Eamon and heads to Denerim to locate Brother Genitivi, who is in the Frostback Mountains. There, they discover a secret cult and the Urn of Sacred Ashes, a relic that is believed to contain the remains of Andraste and has healing powers. By using the artifact, they heal Eamon and gain his assistance. He proposes calling a Landsmeet to expose Loghain’s treachery to the country’s elites.

The team’s second destination is the Circle of Magi, located in a tower near Lake Calenhad. The tower is overrun by abominations (mages who have lost control over blood magic) and demons from the Fade, after Uldred, one of the most powerful mages, attempts treachery with Mac Tir and is exposed. The heroes meet Templars on the lower level, preparing to use the Right of Annulment (killing all mages to minimize the damage caused by the catastrophe). The team can either follow the Templars’ instructions and kill every mage or eliminate only those that deserve it and the monsters. In the latter case, Wynne, a respected mage, joins the team. The Warden’s decision will determine whether Templars or mages will assist him in fighting the Blight. Cullen, who plays an important role in Dragon Age: Inquisition, is one of the characters the Warden meets in the tower.

The Brecilian Forest

Moving to the Brecilian Forest where the Dalish reside, the heroes are faced with a recurring problem of werewolves attacking the elves. The keeper of the tribe, Zathrian, sends the team into the forest to find and kill a creature called Witherfang. Obtaining its heart will stop the werewolf attacks and cure the bitten elves. Upon reaching the center of the forest, the team learns that things are not as they seem. The Lady of the Forest reveals that Zathrian is responsible for the werewolf curse. After a conflict resolution with Zathrian, the Warden’s decision will determine whether the elves or werewolves will aid in fighting the Blight.


The last stop in gathering help is Orzammar, the capital of the underground kingdom of dwarves. The Warden must choose between two pretenders to the throne, Bhelen and Lord Pyral Harrowmont. No matter the decision, the heroes must venture into the Deep Roads to search for Branka and the Anvil of the Void. With the completion of the task, the Warden gains the Orzammar’s help in fighting the Blight.

The Landsmeet

After realizing the Grey Wardens treaties, the heroes head to Denerim for the Landsmeet. Before attending, the team is attacked by assassins hired by Loghain. Zevran, one of the assassins, switches sides and joins the Warden. The hero must gain support from the nobility and free Queen Anora, who is being held captive by her father. The Warden and Alistair are imprisoned, but they manage to escape in time for the Landsmeet.

The heroes engage in a conversation with the regent in an attempt to clear their reputation, reveal Loghain’s betrayal, and convince the nobility to unite against the darkspawn. Despite their efforts, the discussion inevitably turns into a fight, but the outcome depends on their diplomatic skills. It could either result in a bloodbath or an honorable duel between the Warden and Loghain.

Denerim, the capital of Ferelden, poses another challenge. Grey Warden Riordan informs the team that killing the Archdemon would cost the life of the person who lands the final blow. Normally, the essence of an Old God transfers to the nearest darkspawn, rendering it immortal. However, if a Grey Warden fights the Archdemon, the essence transfers to the Warden’s body, leading to their death. Morrigan proposes an alternative solution. She suggests that a Grey Warden (either the main character, Alistair, or even Loghain) sleeps with her to conceive a baby that will absorb the essence of the Archdemon and save the person who kills it.

The team departs from Denerim to face the Archdemon’s army, which is heading towards Redcliffe. However, upon arrival, they realize that they have been misled, and the forces have to return to the capital, which is under siege. The hero and a few companions make their way to Fort Drakon to lure the Archdemon and witness the final battle, marking the end of the Fifth Blight and Dragon Age: Origins’ plot. Afterward, a new ruler of Ferelden is chosen, and the people start to rebuild their country devastated by the march of the darkspawn.


1. What is the main plot of Dragon Age: Origins?

The main plot of Dragon Age: Origins centers around the player character, a Grey Warden, and their quest to stop the Blight, a catastrophic event caused by the darkspawn, a race of corrupted creatures. The Grey Wardens are an order of warriors tasked with defending the world against the Blight, and the player must recruit allies and build an army to fight the darkspawn and their leader, the Archdemon.

2. What choices can the player make that affect the storyline?

The player’s choices throughout the game can have a significant impact on the storyline. For example, the player can choose which companions to recruit and how to interact with them, which can affect their loyalty and even result in their leaving the party. The player can also make decisions that affect the world at large, such as deciding the fates of certain factions or choosing who to ally with in the final battle against the Archdemon.

3. How does the game handle player choice and consequences?

Dragon Age: Origins is known for its complex and branching narrative, which is shaped by the player’s choices and actions. The game features a system of approval and disapproval among the player’s companions, which can affect their loyalty and even result in them leaving the party. The player’s choices also have consequences for the world at large, and can affect the outcome of the final battle against the Archdemon.

4. What are some of the major themes explored in the storyline?

The storyline of Dragon Age: Origins explores a variety of themes, including duty and sacrifice, loyalty and betrayal, and the nature of power. The player must make difficult choices and sacrifices in order to save the world from the Blight, and must navigate complex political and personal relationships in order to build an army and defeat the Archdemon.

5. How does the storyline of Dragon Age: Origins compare to other games in the series?

Dragon Age: Origins is the first game in the Dragon Age series, and its storyline sets the stage for the events of the subsequent games. While each game has its own unique storyline and characters, they are all connected by the overarching narrative of the world of Thedas and the struggles faced by its inhabitants. Dragon Age: Origins is widely regarded as one of the best RPGs of all time, and its complex storyline and memorable characters continue to be celebrated by fans of the series.

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