Exploring the Oasis for Serpentstones

How to start: Meet the Requisition Officer.

Quest giver: The Requisition Officer (M8,2)

When you meet the Requisition Officer at one of the camps (M8,2), you may be given this quest as a random requisition task. You will be given a recipe and asked to bring the following items to the officer:

  • 10 Serpentstones – These stones can be found in the area where you receive the quest.
  • 2 Paragon’s Luster stones – These stones are rare and can be found in the northern part of the Oasis, among other places.

Once you have collected the necessary materials, return to the camp and use the Requisition table to complete the quest.

Upon completion, you will receive:

  • A small amount of experience
  • 100 Influence points
  • 1 Power point


1. What is Serpentstone Survey in the Oasis?

Serpentstone Survey in the Oasis is an archaeological project that aims to explore and document the ancient ruins and artifacts found in the oasis of Serpentstone. The oasis is located in a remote desert region, and it is believed to have been a hub of trade and cultural exchange in ancient times. The project is led by a team of archaeologists and historians, who are working together to uncover the secrets of this enigmatic region.

2. What have the archaeologists discovered so far?

The archaeologists working on the Serpentstone Survey in the Oasis project have discovered a wealth of artifacts and structures that shed light on the history and culture of the oasis. Among the most significant finds are a series of ancient temples and tombs, which suggest that the oasis was a center of religious and political power in its heyday. The team has also uncovered a variety of pottery, jewelry, and other artifacts that provide insight into the daily lives of the people who lived in and around the oasis.

3. What challenges have the archaeologists faced in their work?

The Serpentstone Survey in the Oasis project has faced a number of challenges, due in large part to the remote and inhospitable nature of the region. The heat and aridity of the desert have made it difficult for the team to work for extended periods of time, and the lack of infrastructure and resources in the area has made logistics a major challenge. In addition, the team has had to contend with looters and other individuals who seek to profit from the sale of ancient artifacts.

4. What do the findings of the project tell us about the history of the region?

The findings of the Serpentstone Survey in the Oasis project are still being analyzed and interpreted, but they already provide significant insights into the history of the region. The discovery of the ancient temples and tombs suggest that the oasis was a center of religious and political power, and the variety of artifacts found in the area indicate that it was a hub of trade and cultural exchange. The project is expected to continue for several more years, and it is likely that more discoveries will be made that will further enrich our understanding of this fascinating region.

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