Guide to Tonics and Upgrades in Dragon Age Inquisition

Fire Resistance

This tonic increases fire resistance by 40% and lasts for 2 minutes. It is particularly useful when fighting creatures that use fire attacks, such as High Dragons. The following list shows the possible upgrades:

Upgrade Name



Increase Duration I

5 Spindleweed

1 Crystal Grace

Increases potion duration by 30 seconds

Increase Duration II

Increase Duration I

5 Rashvine

Increases potion duration by an additional 30 seconds

Increase Potency I

5 Spindleweed

1 Witherstalk

Increases fire resistance by 10%

Increase Potency II

Increase Potency I

5 Rashvine

Increases fire resistance by an additional 10%

Proximity Resistance

Increase Duration II or Increase Potency II

5 Amrita Vein

1 Felandaris

Grants allies nearby resistance to fire when tonic is used

Cold Resistance

This tonic increases cold resistance by 40% and lasts for 2 minutes. It is particularly useful when fighting creatures that use ice attacks. The following list shows the possible upgrades:

Upgrade Name



Increase Duration I

5 Spindleweed

1 Witherstalk

Increases potion duration by 30 seconds

Increase Duration II

Increase Duration I

5 Rashvine

Increases potion duration by an additional 30 seconds

Increase Potency I

5 Spindleweed

1 Witherstalk

Increases cold resistance by 10%

Increase Potency II

Increase Potency I

5 Rashvine

Increases cold resistance by an additional 10%

Proximity Resistance

Increase Duration II or Increase Potency II

5 Amrita Vein

1 Felandaris

Grants allies nearby resistance to cold when tonic is used

Electrical Resistance

This tonic increases electrical resistance by 40% and lasts for 2 minutes. It is particularly useful when fighting creatures that use electrical attacks. The following list shows the possible upgrades:

The potions in Dragon Age: Inquisition can be upgraded to increase their duration, potency, and resistance to certain attacks. The upgrades require specific ingredients, and each upgrade provides a different effect. For example, the Electricity Resistance Tonic can be upgraded to Increase Duration or Increase Potency, and the Proximity Resistance upgrade ensures allies nearby also gain resistance to electricity. The Spirit Resistance Tonic has similar upgrades, while the Mighty Offense Tonic provides a bonus to damage and can be upgraded to deal even more damage, provide damage bonuses against guard or barrier, or increase critical damage.

Embritum x11

Deep Mushroom x11

Rashvine Nettle x2

Upgrade Name



Increase Duration I

5 Spindleweed

1 Dawn Lotus

Critical hits result in double damage.

Increase Damage II

Damage Bonus vs Guard, Damage Bonus vs Barrier, or Critical Damage Bonus

Deep Mushroom x9

Arbor Blessing x18

Amrita Vein x2

You inflict even greater damage.

Rock Armor

This tonic strengthens your armor, staying active for 30 seconds. It is advisable to use it before major battles. The list of potential upgrades is shown below.




Improved Duration I

Elfroot x18

Crystal Grace x1

Extends the duration of tonics by 30 seconds.

Improved Duration II

Improved Duration I

Rashvine x11

Embritum x11

Rashvine Nettle x2

Extends the duration of tonics by an additional 30 seconds.

Improved Potency I

Elfroot x18

Crystal Grace x1

Strengthens your armor.

Improved Potency II

Improved Potency I

Rashvine x11

Embritum x11

Rashvine Nettle x2

Strengthens your armor even more.

Stun Enemies

Improved Potency II or Improved Duration II

Rashvine x9

Vandal Aria x18

50% chance of stunning the attacker that strikes an ally under the influence of the tonic.

Tears of the Dead

This tonic poisons the opponent (three consecutive attacks) and weakens stronger enemies. The potential upgrades are shown below.

Note – you must land the attacks within 10 seconds of using the tonic, otherwise, your weapon will lose its enhanced properties.




Increase Duration I

Blood Lotus x23

Dragonthorn x1

The poisoned opponent struggles for a longer period.

Increase Duration II

Increase Duration I

Deathroot x14

Deep Mushroom x14

Rashvine Nettle x2

The poisoned opponent struggles for an even longer period.

Increase Damage I

Blood Lotus x23

Dragonthorn x1

Increases the effect of the poison on enemies.

Increase Damage II

Increase Damage I

Deathroot x14

Deep Mushroom x14

Rashvine Nettle x2

Increases the effect of the poison on enemies.

Enhanced Potency

Increase Duration II or Increase Damage II

Deathroot x11

Arbor Blessing x22

Amrita Vein x2

Increases the potency of the tonic.

Enhanced Poison

Enhanced Poison allows you to land up to five poisoned attacks and extends the duration of the poison, giving you more time to attack before it wears off.


What are tonics in Dragon Age Inquisition?

Tonics are consumable items that provide temporary boosts to various attributes such as damage, health, and stamina during combat in Dragon Age Inquisition. They can be crafted at an alchemy table and require specific materials to make.

How do I upgrade tonics in Dragon Age Inquisition?

Tonics can be upgraded by obtaining rare materials called “essences” through completing quests, looting enemies, or purchasing them from merchants. These essences can be used at an alchemy table to upgrade specific tonics, increasing their potency and effectiveness in combat.

What are some of the best tonics in Dragon Age Inquisition?

Some of the most useful tonics in Dragon Age Inquisition include the “Regeneration Potion,” which restores health over time, the “Antivan Fire,” which deals fire damage to enemies, and the “Cleansing Tonic,” which removes any negative status effects from the player. Additionally, the “Rock Armor Tonic,” which provides a temporary boost to armor and the “Veilfire Tonic,” which allows the player to see hidden messages and secrets, can also be incredibly helpful in certain situations.

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