How to Save and Restart in Plague Tale Requiem

Plague Tale Requiem can be unforgiving, with death and mistakes being common. This guide will explain the game’s auto-save system, whether manual saves are possible, and how to restart a sequence after making a mistake.

We’ll cover the game’s auto-save system and how to restart sequences in Plague Tale: Requiem. You’ll learn about the game’s automatic save points and how to restart fights or replay them in a different way.

  • Automatic Saves
  • Restarting Checkpoints

Automatic Saves

The game will automatically save your progress, and an animation in the lower right corner of the screen will indicate when this happens. The game will save when:

  1. You start a new chapter
  2. You reach a new location
  3. You start a new fight
  4. You collect a secret item – these are immediately saved and won’t be lost if you close the chapter.

Unfortunately, you cannot manually save your progress in Plague Tale: Requiem. You can only rely on the game’s automatic save system.

Restarting Checkpoints

You can restart your progress if you fail stealth or want to try a different approach to a fight.

  1. Most of the time, the only option in the pause menu is “Restart Section.” This will take you back to the last auto-save point, such as when Amicia approached enemies.
  2. At certain locations, you can also select “Restart Checkpoint.” This option is mainly available for larger sequences of avoiding or attacking enemies. It lets you repeat only the last part of the fight without starting from the beginning.

If you miss a collectible, restarting a section may not be enough. You can return to previous chapters and specific sequences using the chapter selection option. We cover this in more detail on our Chapter Selection page.


1. How can I save my progress in Plague Tale Requiem?

You can save your progress in Plague Tale Requiem by pressing the Options button on your controller and selecting the Save option. You can also save your progress by reaching a checkpoint in the game, which will automatically save your progress. It’s important to note that the game only allows for one save slot, so make sure to overwrite your previous save file if you want to save your progress.

2. Can I restart a sequence in Plague Tale Requiem?

Yes, you can restart a sequence in Plague Tale Requiem by accessing the chapter select menu. To access this menu, go to the main menu and select the Chapters option. From here, you can select any previously completed chapter and start from the beginning. Keep in mind that restarting a sequence will erase any progress you made in that sequence, so make sure to save your progress before doing so.

3. What happens if I die in Plague Tale Requiem?

If you die in Plague Tale Requiem, the game will reload from the last checkpoint you reached. It’s important to note that the game doesn’t have a manual save system, so you will lose any progress made since your last checkpoint if you die. Therefore, it’s important to save your progress frequently to avoid losing too much progress if you die.

4. How do I change the difficulty level in Plague Tale Requiem?

You can change the difficulty level in Plague Tale Requiem by accessing the Options menu and selecting the Gameplay tab. From here, you can select the difficulty level you want to play on. The game offers several difficulty levels, ranging from Story mode (which is the easiest) to Nightmare mode (which is the hardest). Keep in mind that changing the difficulty level will affect various aspects of the game, such as enemy behavior and puzzle complexity.

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