Kingdom Come Progress Not Saving on PS4: How to Fix

If you’re playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance on version 1.2 for PS4, you may be encountering a serious issue where your progress won’t save. Fortunately, this issue is not affecting the PC or Xbox One versions. Below you’ll find more information on the problem and how to solve it.

  • Why won’t Kingdom Come save progress on PS4?
  • How to fix the issue with Kingdom Come saves on PS4?

Why won’t Kingdom Come save progress on PS4?

The issue with saves on PlayStation 4 is due to the console’s limited space for saves that cannot be exceeded. Most games with a lot of saves will give players a warning when they’re approaching this limit. Unfortunately, Kingdom Come doesn’t do this and instead blocks players from creating new saves.

How to fix the issue with Kingdom Come saves on PS4?

You can fix this issue yourself without waiting for a game update.

  1. Return to the main menu or pause the game.
  2. Select the option to load a save, but don’t load any saves.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the list to find the oldest saves and delete a few of them.
  4. Try creating a new save. The deleted saves will free up space for new ones.

Note: Be sure to read the descriptions of the old saves carefully to avoid accidentally deleting an important save, such as a manual save made before a major decision. You can also transfer your saves to an external USB drive before deleting them from your console.


1. Why does Kingdom Come: Deliverance not save my progress on PlayStation 4?

There could be several reasons why your progress is not being saved in Kingdom Come: Deliverance on PlayStation 4. One common issue is a lack of storage space on your console. If your hard drive is full, the game may not be able to save your progress. Another possible cause could be corrupted game files, which can prevent the game from saving properly. You may also want to check that your PlayStation 4 software is up to date, as outdated software can cause various issues with game saves.

2. How can I fix the issue of Kingdom Come not saving my progress on PS4?

If you are experiencing issues with Kingdom Come: Deliverance not saving your progress on PlayStation 4, there are a few steps you can take to try and resolve the issue. First, try freeing up some storage space on your console by deleting old games or files. You can also try rebuilding your PlayStation 4 database, which can fix various issues with game saves. If neither of these solutions work, you may need to uninstall and reinstall the game to fix any corrupted files.

3. Can playing Kingdom Come on an external hard drive cause issues with saving progress on PS4?

No, playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance on an external hard drive should not cause any issues with saving progress on PlayStation 4. However, if your external hard drive is nearly full, this could cause issues with game saves. It is always a good idea to regularly check your storage space and delete any unnecessary files to ensure that your games are able to save properly.

4. Is the issue of Kingdom Come not saving progress a common problem on PS4?

While the issue of Kingdom Come: Deliverance not saving progress on PlayStation 4 is not extremely common, it has been reported by some players. If you are experiencing this issue, it is important to take the necessary steps to try and resolve it, such as freeing up storage space or reinstalling the game. You may also want to check online forums or contact the game’s support team to see if there are any specific solutions to this issue.

5. Can I save my progress manually in Kingdom Come on PS4?

Yes, it is possible to manually save your progress in Kingdom Come: Deliverance on PlayStation 4. To do this, you will need to open the main menu and select “Save Game.” You can then choose a slot to save your progress in. It is always a good idea to save your progress frequently to avoid losing any progress due to issues with automatic saves.

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