
All that Glisters | Main quests in Kingdom Come Deliverance

The All that Glisters quest is one of the longest main quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. In this quest, Henry needs to search for a money forger in Pribyslawitz. This involves meeting different people and making various decisions. It’s important to read the following carefully to avoid missing any vital details.

  • Finding the forgers
  • Chasing Ulrich
  • Beginning the investigation in Sasau
  • Variant 1 – Copper investigation
  • Variant 2 – The quicksilver investigation
  • Meeting the engraver in Sasau
  • Finding and questioning Rapota
  • Reaching the Skalitz mines
  • Meeting Jezhek of Ronow
  • Finishing the quest

Finding the forgers

If you successfully interrogated the bandit during the previous quest, Questions and Answers, you can go straight to the forgers’ hideout. If not, and you only have the letter, you need to go to Sasau first and talk to the innkeeper, exhausting all dialogue options.

The drop-off point is located northeast of Rovna. Once you reach the location, you’ll find an attacked carriage with a chest that has a difficult lock containing a few precious items, and a few bodies. Follow the blood trail to reach the charcoal burners’ camp.

Talk to one of the burners and use persuasion or other skills to learn what has happened at the crossroads. You’ll discover that Borya is the man to talk to, and he’s staying in the northern part of the camp wearing a distinctive red hat. Use persuasion (Borya has 8 points), intimidation (12 points), or bribe (30 groshen or less if you can bargain) to ask him every question you can. The burners will give you Borya’s key.

You have to meet the wounded prisoner, a mercenary who’s being kept in a hut shown on the screen above. Use the key to open it (you can try pickpocketing if Borya didn’t budge or use lockpicks – it’s a very easy lock) and ask all possible questions while talking to the prisoner.

Chasing Ulrich

A cut-scene will commence, and you will see Ulrich appearing in the camp. After the scene ends, Ulrich will start running away on horseback. If you want to chase him, call your own horse quickly. Be cautious of trees and bushes when riding through the forest. You can approach Ulrich slowly by riding on hard ground or look for shortcuts. You must tackle him with your own horse to force him to stop.

Fight Ulrich, who’s wearing heavy armor, with a blunt weapon. Try to attack beyond his shield or switch to a bow and attempt a headshot (ideally from point-blank range).

If you were unable to catch Ulrich, don’t worry as the mission isn’t a failure. Instead, head to the inn located south of the monastery in Sasau. Ulrich often visits this tavern, so you can wait for him there. You can speed up time and look around inside the inn. Eventually, Ulrich should sit at one of the tables. Talk to him and accept his invitation to meet him at sunset at the pond west of the inn. Once you arrive, you’ll engage in an honorable duel with Ulrich.

Regardless of the outcome of the fight, you must defeat Ulrich and make him surrender. You can then decide what to do with him. You have two options:

Let Ulrich live. Exhaust all dialogue options and take Ulrich’s documents from him. You can meet him again later.

Kill Ulrich. Search his corpse for some valuable items and Ulrich’s documents. Note that choosing this option will prevent you from completing the Merciful achievement.

In either case, deliver the documents to Tobias Feyar. You can find him in the lower castle in Rattay and exhaust all dialogue options with him.

One more thing: During your conversation with Ulrich, he may reveal that he killed Menhart the merchant. You can ask him about the location of Menhart’s grave and complete a short side quest called Menhart’s Grave. The grave is located northwest from Rovna, next to a rundown cabin. You can open the grave with a shovel and find a Decorated Sabre, a Necklace (worth 1000 groshen), a Silver Ring, and 96 groschen in cash.

Starting the Investigation in Sasau

After speaking with Tobias Feyfar, you’ll receive up to three new objectives:

Find out who in Sasau uses copper. Completing this objective will allow you to skip the one involving quicksilver.

Find out where the counterfeiters get the quicksilver. Completing this objective will allow you to skip the one involving copper.

Speak with Ulrich. This objective is optional and only appears if you didn’t kill Ulrich. You can find him in a tavern in Sasau, sitting at one of the tables.

Option 1 – Investigating Copper

Start by speaking with three people in Sasau: the armsman Otto, the blacksmith Mikesh from the town of Sasau, and Zach, a blacksmith who lives near the Sasau monastery. Exhaust all dialogue options with each of them, asking about other people and about copper.

You should be most interested in Zach, who works south of the monastery (see the screen above – Zach works during the day). There are a few ways to make him confess:

Find the supply of copper – This is difficult as you’ll need to break into a small shed near the blacksmith’s workplace, which has a very difficult lock. Once you’ve found the copper, you can confront the blacksmith.

To learn about the blacksmith’s copper, talk to his son during the day and impress or intimidate him, or fight him. Pass the test to confront the blacksmith. If you have proof, confront Zach by impressing or intimidating him. If you fail, complete the Rattled side quest to learn the necessary information. For the quicksilver investigation, talk to Ulrich and the fresco painter to meet the Overseer in the Sasau monastery. Talk to Overseer’s Hand about quicksilver and use intimidation if necessary. Meet Tobias Feyfar in Sasau and talk to the local engraver about his apprentice, Florian. Visit the bath and talk to Florian to learn about Rapota. Talk to him at 7 am to learn more, but he will run away regardless of what you say. Saving Esther in the Damsel in Distress side quest allows you to continue the quest.

There are two options:

If you manage to catch Rapota, you can try to tackle him with your horse to stop him, as in the previous case of chasing Ulrich.

If Rapota escapes, a camp icon will appear on the map, located northwest of the Sasau monastery. Once you reach the camp, you must kill a few bandits before you can talk to Rapota.

Be aware that a known bug may make it impossible to find Rapota after he flees. If this happens, reload the game and try again.

In any case, you must question Rapota and use all dialogue options.

Reaching the Skalitz Mines

If Ulrich is still alive, you can ask him for help in Sasau, which will automatically take you to the mine.

Regardless, head towards the entrance. There is a small camp in front of the entrance, so be prepared to fight if spotted. It is recommended to enter the mines with full health or to sneak around the enemies, preferably at night, or sprinting inside the mine. Proceed along the main tunnel until you reach the room with Jezhek of Ronow. A cut-scene will begin.

Meeting Jezhek of Ronow

The meeting with Jezhek can end in different ways:

If Ulrich is with you, he will want to kill Jezhek, which you must prevent by using a unique dialogue option that requires at least 13 persuasion points. Alternatively, you will have to kill Ulrich.

If you have reached the mines alone, you can use persuasion, but you also need 13 points. Otherwise, you will have to fight Jezhek.

If combat occurs, either with Ulrich or Jezhek, it will be tricky due to the small size of the room and dim lighting. Use the supports to shield yourself from attacks. If you have a bow, try standing in the corner shown above – you’ll be hard to reach.

Ultimately, you must talk to Jezhek and arrest him.

Completing the Quest

Return to Rattay and speak with Sir Radzik. You will learn that you must question Jezhek. First, go to Master Bernard (who is either in the upper castle or near the practice arena) to get the cell key. Then go to the town hall and use the door shown above. If the doors are closed, come back at a different time, perhaps early afternoon.

After entering the town hall, find the stairs to the dungeon. Use the key to open the last cell, and talk to Jezhek about every subject available. Finally, report back to Radzik to unlock a new main quest and receive a reward of 175 groszy.


1. What is All that Glisters quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance?

All that Glisters is a main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance where the player has to infiltrate a bandit camp and rescue Sir Hans Capon. The quest takes place in the Sasau Monastery and the nearby bandit camp. The player needs to gather information, dress up as a monk, and sneak into the camp to rescue Sir Hans. The quest is challenging as the player needs to avoid detection and fight the bandits.

2. How do I start the All that Glisters quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance?

To start the All that Glisters quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance, the player needs to complete the At Your Service, My Lady quest, which is given by Sir Hans Capon. After completing this quest, Sir Hans will ask the player to accompany him to the Sasau Monastery to investigate the counterfeit coin operation. This will trigger the All that Glisters quest.

3. What are some tips for completing the All that Glisters quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance?

Here are some tips for completing the All that Glisters quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance:

  • Speak to everyone in the Sasau Monastery to gather information before infiltrating the bandit camp.
  • Wear a monk’s habit to blend in with the monks in the monastery.
  • Choose the stealthy approach to avoid detection and fight only when necessary.
  • Bring a bow and arrows to take out enemies from a distance.
  • Use Henry’s speech skill to persuade or intimidate NPCs.

4. What are the rewards for completing the All that Glisters quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance?

Completing the All that Glisters quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance rewards the player with experience points and the satisfaction of rescuing Sir Hans Capon. The quest also advances the main storyline and unlocks new quests. Additionally, the player can loot the bandit camp for valuable items and sell them for a profit.

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