LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Guide: New York | Stan Lee in Peril

To rescue Stan Lee from peril, players must complete a series of missions located throughout New York City.

First, go to the Marvel Building and switch to a character with telepathic abilities. Take control of the guard standing behind the window and turn left to switch on the computer. This will open the gate to Stan Lee’s location.

Next, locate a chess board in Central Park and use Spider-Man’s spider sense to uncover an attachment point. Pull the pawn to rescue Stan Lee.

Approach Stan Lee and wait for his transformation to end. Defeat an opponent to unlock the next quest.

Turn left from Stan Lee and look for the frozen claw switch. Use a character with fire abilities to defrost it, then switch to Wolverine and use the switch to rescue Stan Lee.

Fly to the crane and use Wolverine to activate the claw switch, saving Stan Lee.

Find the nervous gorilla holding Stan Lee hostage at the top of the Empire State Building. Shoot the monkey to release Stan Lee.

Destroy the strange machine on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier’s nose that is attacking Stan Lee.

Dig up Stan Lee from the sandbox area with Wolverine, but beware of Sandman Goons. They will disappear after Stan Lee is rescued.

Climb to the roof with a big character and throw a stone at the chimney to save Stan Lee.

Use Magneto’s magnetic powers to throw a lifebelt to Stan Lee at the lake shore.

Destroy the tree where Stan Lee is imprisoned.

Pull the iron bar off Stan Lee with a big character to unlock the next mission.

Use Magneto to pull off the metallic bar from Stan Lee on the rails.

Shoot every shark in the area from the platform to progress.

Destroy the wall behind which Stan Lee is held at the Raft with a big character.

To approach Stan Lee’s barbecue, use Storm or Iceman’s superpowers to extinguish the fire. The next mission will appear on the map. To save Stan Lee from the locked car, use Spider-Man’s spider senses to uncover an attachment point and then yank it. The next mission will appear. To rescue Stan Lee from being stuck in a mailbox, destroy it with a beam attack. The next mission will appear. To save Stan Lee at the Statue of Liberty, head to the torch and extinguish the fires with Iceman. The next mission will appear. To rescue Stan Lee from the Sandman Goons, defeat them all. The next mission will appear. Next, climb to the top of the tower and turn off the computer to save Stan Lee. To save Stan Lee from a balloon flying over the circus, destroy it. The last mission will appear. In the Deadpool’s chamber, destroy a crate to release Stan Lee from the trap. If you saved Stan Lee 50 times in the main storyline, all of Deadpool’s bonus missions, and the New York City hub, you can play as him.


1. What is “Stan Lee in Peril”?

“Stan Lee in Peril” is a video game mission in the popular game “LEGO Marvel Super Heroes”. In this mission, players must rescue the creator of some of the most famous comic book characters, Stan Lee, who is depicted as a playable character in the game. The mission takes place in New York City.

2. How do you unlock the “Stan Lee in Peril” mission?

To unlock the “Stan Lee in Peril” mission, players must complete the story mode of “LEGO Marvel Super Heroes” and collect all ten of Stan Lee’s comic book pages, which are hidden throughout the game’s levels. Once all ten pages are collected, players can access the mission by finding Stan Lee in the open world of New York City and completing a simple task for him.

3. Can you play as Stan Lee in “Stan Lee in Peril”?

No, in the “Stan Lee in Peril” mission, Stan Lee is the character that players must rescue. However, he is a playable character in the main game and has several unique abilities, such as the ability to transform into a Hulk-like character named “Stan-Buster” and the ability to shoot webs like Spider-Man.

4. What other famous Marvel characters are featured in “LEGO Marvel Super Heroes”?

“LEGO Marvel Super Heroes” features a wide variety of famous Marvel characters, including Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Wolverine, Spider-Man, and the X-Men. There are over 100 playable characters in the game, each with their own unique abilities and powers.

5. Is “LEGO Marvel Super Heroes” available on all gaming platforms?

Yes, “LEGO Marvel Super Heroes” is available on a wide variety of gaming platforms, including PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U, and Microsoft Windows. The game is also available on mobile devices, such as iOS and Android.

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