
Introduction to the Thieves Guild quests

The Thieves Guild specializes in daring heists that are often carried out without resorting to violence. While simple theft and pickpocketing are among its core activities, the organization also profits from forging documents, planting false evidence, and other discreet operations. If this sounds appealing to you, look for the Thieves Guild in Riften, a small town at the southeast corner of Skyrim. To find the Guild, enter the sewers and make your way to The Ragged Flagon, an underground tavern where the best pickpockets in the land can be found (see screen below).

Since most of the Guild’s missions do not involve violence, you can join at any level. As long as you can move quietly and use your Sneak skill wisely, you should be able to handle any challenge. Completing missions for the Thieves Guild is also great practice for other stealth-based organizations, such as The Dark Brotherhood, which value discretion and subtlety.

The Guild’s members are not only professional thieves but also merchants and trainers. You can learn skills like Sneak, Pickpocketing, and Lockpicking from them. Additionally, after joining the Guild, you will gain some immunity in Riften. If you are caught by local guards, you can use your connections to reduce the bounty on your head. This can be especially useful in the early stages of the game, when you don’t have much gold.

To join the Thieves Guild, speak to Brynjolf, who can be found at the Riften marketplace or at The Bee and Barb tavern nearby. This character is also involved in the main quest A Cornered Rat, but you can focus on completing Guild missions (A Chance Arrangement) even if you haven’t progressed that far in the story.


What is the Thieves Guild in Skyrim?

The Thieves Guild is a secret organization of thieves operating in Skyrim. They are known for their skill in burglary, pickpocketing, and other forms of thievery. The guild operates out of Riften, a city in the southeastern part of Skyrim. The Thieves Guild is led by Mercer Frey, a charismatic and cunning thief who is also a master of deception. The guild has a strict code of conduct that all members must follow, and they are known for their loyalty to one another.

What are the Thieves Guild quests in Skyrim?

The Thieves Guild quests are a series of missions that the player can undertake as a member of the Thieves Guild in Skyrim. These quests involve various forms of thievery, such as burglary, pickpocketing, and heists. They also involve a fair bit of sneaking around and avoiding detection, as well as some combat. The Thieves Guild quests are known for their intricate plots and interesting characters, such as the guild’s leader Mercer Frey and the enigmatic Nightingales. Completing the Thieves Guild quests can be very rewarding, as they often lead to valuable loot and new abilities for the player character.

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