
Totems of Hircine

Keep in mind that this quest is not mandatory and you can only access it once you have finished the last major Companions quest Glory of the Dead.

Aela is the quest giver and she will ask you to accompany her in search for a magical totem once you accept the task. The location of this item is randomly generated in the game world, so check the map and head to the designated area. Upon arrival, you may have to battle some wild animals or monsters (as shown in the screenshot above).

The totem you seek can be found in a public area (like a table) or hidden in a chest (as shown in the screenshot above). Once you have retrieved the artifact, Aela will give a brief speech.

Follow Aela’s advice and return to Whiterun to enter the Underforge. Place the totem in the spot designated by the game (as shown in the screenshot above) to complete the quest and receive a reward in gold. This totem gives you the ability to change the rules of transforming into a werewolf. You may repeat this quest and locate another totem in the future, but keep in mind that you can only use one totem at a time.


What are Totems of Hircine?

Totems of Hircine are special items that can be found in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. They are used in the quest “Totems of Hircine” given by Aela the Huntress at the Companions’ headquarters in Whiterun. The quest involves retrieving four totems from various locations across Skyrim. Once they are all gathered, they can be brought back to the Companions and used to gain Hircine’s favor and transform into a werewolf more frequently.

Where can I find the Totems of Hircine?

The Totems of Hircine can be found in four different locations across Skyrim. The first totem, the Totem of the Hunt, can be found at the base of Snow Veil Sanctum. The second, the Totem of Fear, can be found at the foot of the Old Hroldan Inn. The third, the Totem of the Moon, can be found at the Bloated Man’s Grotto. The fourth and final totem, the Totem of Terror, can be found at the Glenmoril Coven.

How do I use the Totems of Hircine?

Once all four Totems of Hircine have been collected, they can be brought back to the Companions’ headquarters in Whiterun. Aela the Huntress will then perform a ritual that allows the Dragonborn to gain Hircine’s favor and transform into a werewolf more frequently. The Totems will then be consumed and disappear from the inventory.

Can I keep the Totems of Hircine after the quest is completed?

No, the Totems of Hircine will be consumed during the quest and will disappear from the inventory. However, the ability to transform into a werewolf more frequently will remain.

What are the benefits of using the Totems of Hircine?

The main benefit of using the Totems of Hircine is the ability to transform into a werewolf more frequently. This can be useful in combat, as werewolves have increased strength and speed compared to regular humans. Additionally, the quest “Totems of Hircine” is required to complete the Companions storyline in Skyrim.

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