
Waking Nightmare – p. 1

How to Start the Quest

In order to start this quest, you must reach at least level 14. The majority of the battles throughout the quest will be fought alongside a friendly mage, making it relatively easy. The final battle may be a bit more difficult, but still manageable even with a less developed character.

To begin the quest, head to the city of Dawnstar in the northern part of Skyrim (as shown in the screenshot above). If you haven’t discovered this location yet, it is recommended to use a carriage, such as the one found in Whiterun Stables.

Once you reach Dawnstar, locate the Windpeak Inn near the city entrance. If it is your first visit, you will witness a conversation between Erandur and three women discussing the nightmares plaguing the city. Even if you missed this conversation, Erandur will fill you in on the details.

Approach Erandur and speak with him to learn that the Daedra Prince on nightmares, Vaermina, is responsible for the nightmares. Erandur plans to stop her and invites you to join him at the nearby Nightcaller Temple. Agree to accompany him to begin the quest.

Heading to the Nightcaller Temple

Main Objective: Follow Erandur to Nightcaller Temple

Exit the inn and head east towards the Nightcaller Temple (as shown in the screenshot above). If you have already discovered this location, you can use fast travel. Otherwise, follow Erandur on foot, as the temple is only a few minutes away.

You will most likely approach the temple from the southwest (as shown in the screenshot above), where you will encounter a group of Snow Bears. Take caution and attack them one at a time. If your character prefers ranged attacks, keep your distance and don’t let them get too close.

Main Objective: Speak to Erandur

After defeating the bears, head to the main temple entrance and wait for Erandur to appear. Speak with him (as shown in the screenshot above) and he will warn you of the dangers inside the temple. The sleeping Vaermina priests and Orcs may awaken, so prepare to eliminate them.

Exploring the Temple

Main Objective: Follow Erandur

End the conversation and enter the Nightcaller Temple. Wait for Erandur to unlock the passage to the next room (as shown in the screenshot above). Follow him closely, as you will be able to explore the temple after completing the quest. Observe the source of the nightmares, the Skull of Corruption, but be warned that reaching it will not be easy.

Continue to explore the temple and descend the stairs to the lower level. You will soon encounter two Orcish Invaders (as shown in the screenshot above), whom you should fight using quick and less precise attacks as they are defenceless for a few seconds after getting up from the ground. Follow this strategy for all the upcoming battles in this quest.

New main objective: Follow Erandur to the Library

After the battle, listen to Erandur’s conversation about deactivating the magic barrier. He will tell you to search for the solution in the library and reveal that he was a Vaermina priest in the past and wants to pay for his sins. Follow Erandur to the upper level and through the previously ignored door (as shown in the screenshot above).

Enter the adjacent room and brace yourself for a fight. It’s recommended to defeat the Vaermina Devotee first as they have high resistance and can deal heavy damage. (This strategy applies to all upcoming battles.)

Proceed through the library to the lower level. Beware of enemies who will wake up between the bookshelves (as shown in the screenshot above). This time, you will have to defeat two Vaermina Devotees quickly.

New main objective: Speak to Erandur

New main objective: Locate The Dreamstride

Speak to Erandur and he will ask you to find an alchemy book, which is easy to locate as its location will be marked on your map. Walk across the bridge on the upper balconies of the library to reach the book (as shown in the screenshot above). Interact with the Dreamstride and press E to take it with you.

New main objective: Speak to Erandur

Give the book to Erandur (as shown in the screenshot above). He will reveal that the Vaermina’s Torpor potion can lead you to the inner sanctum through the real world in a dream state. The next step is finding the potion, and Erandur suggests searching the laboratory.

New main objective: Follow Erandur to the Laboratory

Follow Erandur and take the north-west library exit. You will encounter a new group of enemies on the way (as shown in the screenshot above), but the battle strategy remains the same. More enemies will awaken as you reach the laboratory, so remember to check both the upper balcony and lower room.


1. What is Waking Nightmare?

Waking Nightmare is a quest in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim game. The quest involves investigating the Haafingar Hold in Skyrim, where people are experiencing horrible nightmares. You need to find out the cause of these nightmares and put an end to them.

2. How do I start the Waking Nightmare quest?

You can start the Waking Nightmare quest by talking to Erandur in the Windpeak Inn in Dawnstar. He will ask for your help in ending the nightmares that are plaguing the people of Dawnstar and Haafingar Hold. Alternatively, you can find the quest by reading the book “The Dreamstride” in the Dawnstar Sanctuary.

3. What is the objective of the Waking Nightmare quest?

The objective of the Waking Nightmare quest is to investigate the cause of the nightmares that are plaguing the people of Dawnstar and Haafingar Hold. You need to find the source of the nightmares and put an end to it. The quest involves exploring the Nightcaller Temple and fighting your way through various enemies, including mages and daedra.

4. How do I complete the Waking Nightmare quest?

To complete the Waking Nightmare quest, you need to find the source of the nightmares in the Nightcaller Temple. You will encounter various enemies on the way, including mages and daedra. Once you reach the source, you need to destroy it and defeat the boss enemy, the Orc mage called Vaermina’s Torpor. Once you have defeated Vaermina’s Torpor, the quest will be complete.

5. What are the rewards for completing the Waking Nightmare quest?

The rewards for completing the Waking Nightmare quest include a leveled amount of gold, the Skull of Corruption staff, and the ability to invest in Erandur’s business. The Skull of Corruption staff is a powerful weapon that can inflict a lot of damage on enemies. Investing in Erandur’s business allows you to earn a share of his profits.

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