
Block | Skills

In this TES V: Skyrim World Atlas page, we will discuss the Block skill which is mostly related to the warrior archetype. Our tutorial will not only describe the skills but also provide guidance on how to develop them and which related best features are worth unlocking.

How to increase the skill: The Block skill can be increased by blocking enemy attacks and hitting them with a shield. The growth of the skill depends on the amount of damage the hero has received or taken.

Main purpose of developing the skill: Reducing the amount of damage received and lowering the chances of being staggered after a successful block.

Available perks: 13.

Best perks: Shield Wall, Quick Reflexes, Elemental Protection.


  1. The main character does not block enemy hits automatically, so you must remember each time to raise the shield manually to receive less damage and perform an activity required to develop this skill. You should also take time to practice recognizing normal blows from powerful ones.
  2. Hitting enemies with a shield works like a counter move, so you’ll have to perform the attack before the opponent manages to finish his own. Interestingly, counterattacks do not require a shield because you can perform them with a one-handed and even a two-handed weapon.
  3. If you are more interested in increasing the effectiveness of your blocks, you should focus on unlocking perks from the left side of the constellation. On the other hand, if you are more interested in performing successful counterattacks, you should focus on unlocking perks from the right side of the constellation.



This perk has five ranks, and each time you unlock a new rank, it gets better.

Requirements (rank 1): None.

Requirements (rank 2): Block skill increased to at least 20 points.

Requirements (rank 3): Block skill increased to at least 40 points.

Requirements (rank 4): Block skill increased to at least 60 points.

Requirements (rank 5): Block skill increased to at least 80 points.

Description (rank 1): Blocking is 20% more effective.

Description (rank 2): Blocking is 25% more effective in total.

Description (rank 3): Blocking is 30% more effective in total.

Description (rank 4): Blocking is 35% more effective in total.

Description (rank 5): Blocking is 40% more effective in total.

Comments: It is advisable to regularly unlock new perks from this group, especially if your character is constantly travelling with a shield.


Requirements: Block skill increased to at least 30 points. Unlocked Shield Wall perk (rank 1).

Description: Time automatically slows down when an opponent launches a powerful attack.

Comments: This is one of the most useful perks from this category because enemies like to use power attacks very often. Having this perk allows you to respond to these actions much easier, whether it is a normal block or an attempt to make a counterattack.


Requirements: Block skill increased to at least 30 points. Unlocked Shield Wall perk (rank 1).

Description: No damage is received if an enemy arrow hits the shield.

Comments: This perk can be useful in battles where you face enemy archers. Equipping a larger shield can make this perk even more effective by allowing you to block more arrows.


Requirements: Block skill of at least 50 points and the Deflect Arrows perk.

Description: Reduces fire, frost, and shock damage by 50% when blocked with a shield.

Comments: This perk is highly valuable during battles, particularly against monsters and enemy mages. Reducing damage makes it easier to survive on the battlefield and approach targets without worrying about elemental damage.


Requirements: Block skill of at least 70 points and the Elemental Protection perk.

Description: Allows the user to move quickly with a raised shield.

Comments: Despite initial thoughts, this is a useful perk that allows you to approach enemy archers and mages more safely without receiving significant damage from lowered shields.


Requirements: Block skill of at least 30 points and the Shield Wall perk (rank 1).

Description: Enables the user to perform power bashes.

Comments: It is worth noting that all types of bashes count towards developing the main skill, and they can stop enemy attacks. However, they do not deal significant damage and must be followed up with a normal attack.


Requirements: Block skill of at least 50 points and the Power Bash perk.

Description: Increases bashing hit damage by five times.

Comments: This perk is not particularly useful as even with improved counterattacks, they don’t do much damage and are mainly for interrupting enemy attacks.


Requirements: Block skill of at least 70 points and the Deadly Bash perk.

Description: Allows for a chance of disarming opponents with a powerful bash.

Comments: This interesting perk can be helpful in battles against enemy warriors. It is not necessary as one of the dragon shouts provides a similar result, which always succeeds (in comparison to relying on luck).


Requirements: Block skill of 100 points and either the Block Runner or Disarming Bash perk.

Description: Enables the user to knock down most targets while running with a raised shield.

Comments: This perk is most effective when used with Block Runner, which allows running with a shield. It can be particularly useful in small areas when fighting larger groups of enemies.


1. What are block skills?

Block skills refer to a set of skills that are necessary for performing a specific task or activity. These skills are typically taught in a specific order and build upon each other to help individuals become proficient at the task. Block skills are often used in vocational training programs, where individuals learn a specific trade or profession.

2. How do block skills differ from soft skills?

Block skills are technical skills that are specific to a particular task or job, while soft skills refer to interpersonal and communication skills that are necessary for success in any job. Soft skills are often transferable between different jobs and industries, while block skills are typically only applicable to a specific trade or profession.

3. Are block skills important for career advancement?

Yes, block skills are often essential for career advancement. Developing proficiency in a specific set of block skills can make an individual more valuable to their employer and can lead to opportunities for promotion or advancement within their field. Additionally, having a strong set of block skills can make an individual more competitive in the job market.

4. How can block skills be developed?

Block skills are typically developed through a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on training. Many vocational training programs offer a structured curriculum that teaches block skills in a specific order, allowing individuals to build upon their knowledge and skills over time. Additionally, apprenticeship programs and on-the-job training can be effective ways to develop block skills.

5. What are some examples of block skills?

Examples of block skills include welding, plumbing, electrical work, carpentry, automotive repair, and computer programming. These skills are typically technical in nature and require a specific set of knowledge and abilities. Developing proficiency in these skills requires both classroom instruction and hands-on training.

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