
Sniper Elite 5: Mission 6 Kill List Target – Jaan Trautmann Walkthrough

Jaan Trautmann is an enemy officer and a Kill List Target in mission 6 (Liberation) of Sniper Elite 5. Our guide will assist you in eliminating Trautmann by using poison (optional challenge).

Murdering Jaan Trautmann is an optional objective in mission 6 (Liberation) of Sniper Elite 5. Our walkthrough will guide you on how to eliminate the Kill List Target by poisoning him. We will provide information on where to locate Trautmann, how to obtain poison, and how to use it without being detected.

  • The location of the target
  • How to poison Jaan Trautmann

The location of the target

Jaan Trautmann is situated in the mansion located in the western part of the map, which is marked from the beginning of the mission.

We recommend sneaking into the mansion to make the rest of the mission easier. You can approach the manor from the northern or north-western side. It is advisable to eliminate the snipers from the western town beforehand, as they can detect you otherwise.

How to poison Jaan Trautmann

Trautmann is a Kill List Target. To complete the optional challenge, you must poison him. This is the only way to obtain the Model D bonus weapon.

After gaining access to the mansion, you have to locate poison which can be found near the stairs.

Proceed to the upper floor and poison Trautmann’s drink located next to the locked room where he is present.

After poisoning his drink, ring the bell to inform Trautmann about his meal and hide. Trautmann will consume the poison and die, thus completing the challenge.


1. What is Sniper Elite 5: Kill List Target?

Sniper Elite 5: Kill List Target is a mission in the popular video game series Sniper Elite. In this mission, the player takes on the role of a sniper who must assassinate a target named Jaan Trautmann. The mission takes place in a fictional city during World War II and requires the player to use stealth and precision to successfully complete the mission.

2. Who is Jaan Trautmann?

Jaan Trautmann is the target of the Sniper Elite 5: Kill List Target mission. He is a high-ranking officer in the German military during World War II and is responsible for many war crimes. The player must eliminate Trautmann to prevent him from continuing his atrocities and to aid the Allied forces in their fight against the Germans.

3. What are some tips for completing the mission successfully?

First and foremost, stealth is key in this mission. The player should avoid being detected by enemy soldiers and should use silenced weapons whenever possible. It is also important to carefully plan out each shot to ensure maximum accuracy. The player should use the environment to their advantage, such as hiding in bushes or using buildings for cover. Finally, it is important to be patient and take the time to carefully observe the area before taking any shots.

4. How does Sniper Elite 5: Kill List Target compare to other missions in the series?

Sniper Elite 5: Kill List Target is a challenging and engaging mission that requires careful planning and precision. It is similar to other missions in the series in terms of gameplay mechanics, but the unique setting and storyline make it stand out. Fans of the series will enjoy the challenge of taking on Jaan Trautmann and completing the mission successfully.

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