Rising at Dawn | Side Quests

This section of our guide for TES V: Skyrim provides a comprehensive walkthrough of the Rising at Dawn side quest. This quest is unique because it offers you the opportunity to become a vampire (if you choose not to remove the vampire curse). In our guide, we explain, step by step, how to remove the curse.

  • Activating the Quest
  • New Main Objective: Speak to Falion
  • New Main Objective: Bring a Filled Black Soul Gem to Morthal
  • New Main Objective: Meet Falion at Dawn
  • New Main Objective: Speak to Falion
  • New Main Objective: Wait for Falion to Complete the Ritual

Activating the Quest

If you have contracted vampirism and do not want to turn into a bloodsucker, there is still a chance for you. Within the first three days, you can heal using conventional methods such as potions or visiting a divine altar. If three days have already passed, you will need to put in more effort and complete this quest.

We also recommend that you visit the Vampirism page in our world atlas. There, you can find all the information about becoming a vampire and some tips on how to play the game as a vampire.

As the effects of vampirism become more evident (red eyes, pale skin, etc.), head to any inn and ask the innkeeper for the latest gossip. Given your condition, the innkeeper will suggest that the mage Falion from Morthal may have learned the secret of vampirism. Perhaps he knows the cure for your disease?

New Main Objective: Speak to Falion

You can find the mage in Morthal, a small town northeast of Whiterun (you can also easily reach it from Solitude). During the day, he will be at his house, and during the night, he will be at the ancient circle northwest of town. He will immediately recognize that you are a vampire when he sees you. Apparently, he really has some knowledge.

To cure yourself of vampirism, you will need to participate in a mysterious ritual conducted by Falion. However, he will need a filled Black Soul Gem for that. It seems that in exchange for your freedom, you will need to pay with someone’s life.

New Main Objective: Bring a Filled Black Soul Gem to Morthal

You can obtain the Black Soul Gem in several ways. The easiest is to buy it from Falion—it doesn’t cost that much. If you don’t have enough gold, you can find it at Hjerim in Windhelm or at Hob’s Fall Cave (west of Winterhold).

After obtaining the gem, you will still need to fill it. To capture a soul and place it inside a gem, you will need a special spell (Soul Trap—available at most mages) or a weapon capable of imprisoning enemy souls. Then, hunt for a human. It will be easiest to sneak into a Bandit camp or any other cave and kill someone there. After capturing a soul, you can return to Falion.

New Objective: Meet Falion at Dawn

Once you give the Filled Black Soul Gem to the mage, prepare for the ceremony by leaving Morthal and traveling northwest to a stone circle. Stand in the middle and wait for sunrise, approximately 5:00AM. However, you don’t have to wait idly as you can speed up time by pressing T.

New Objective: Speak with Falion

New Objective: Wait for Falion to Complete the Ritual

Approach the circle when the mage appears and request that he conduct the ritual. Falion will recite a magical incantation and your world will spin and darken as the corrupt vampire soul leaves your body and you lose consciousness. Upon awakening, the sun will be high in the sky and you will be a fully restored human. If you are afflicted with vampirism again, you can return to Falion and repeat the process.


1. What is Rising at Dawn quest in Skyrim?

Rising at Dawn is a side quest in Skyrim that is only available to vampires. The quest is initiated by speaking to Falion in Morthal. The objective of the quest is to cure vampirism and become a normal citizen again. To do this, the player needs to obtain a Black Soul Gem and fill it with a soul, then meet with Falion at a specific time to perform the ritual. Once the ritual is complete, the player will be cured of vampirism and will no longer be affected by its negative effects.

2. Can the Rising at Dawn quest be completed more than once?

No, the Rising at Dawn quest can only be completed once. Once the player has been cured of vampirism, they cannot become a vampire again and therefore cannot initiate the quest again. However, if the player wishes to become a vampire again, they can do so by contracting the disease and completing the related quest.

3. Is it worth completing the Rising at Dawn quest in Skyrim?

It depends on the player’s preferences and playstyle. If the player is a vampire and wants to become a normal citizen again, then completing the quest is necessary. However, if the player enjoys being a vampire and wants to continue playing as one, then the quest is not necessary. Additionally, some players may find the quest tedious or uninteresting, while others may enjoy the challenge of obtaining a Black Soul Gem and performing the ritual.

4. Are there any rewards for completing the Rising at Dawn quest in Skyrim?

The main reward for completing the Rising at Dawn quest is the cure for vampirism and the ability to become a normal citizen again. However, there are also some minor rewards, such as a small amount of gold and the satisfaction of completing a quest. Additionally, if the player is a member of the Dawnguard, completing the quest will allow them to recruit Falion as a potential follower.

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