Side Contract: Kill Beitild

New main goal: Eliminate Beitild

Note! This task is not mandatory and it will appear while you’re completing the Sanctuary quest.

To activate this quest, you have to talk to Nazir and request new contracts. Keep in mind that in order to unlock the next major Dark Brotherhood quest, Mourning Never Comes, you need to finish at least one of the side contracts (I recommend completing all of them). Leave the Dark Brotherhood’s Sanctuary and check the world map. You will find Beitild in the Dawnstar settlement (shown in the above screenshot) located in the northern part of Skyrim. Go there now.

Beitild is the owner of the mine, which means she spends most of her day with other workers (shown in the above screenshot). Do not attack her during this time unless your character is skilled in sneaking and attacking from a distance. Otherwise, you will be immediately attacked by local guards, and even if you surrender, you will have to pay a fine or go to jail.

It’s better to wait until nightfall, as Beitild should be in her hut near the water (shown in the above screenshot). Walk up to the door of the hut, crouch down, and make sure that you’re hidden. Now pick the lock, which is relatively easy.

Once you’re inside the hut, crouch again and sneak towards Beitild’s bed. It’s a good idea to wear the complete Shrouded Armor set, which you received from Astrid at the end of the With Friends Like These quest (or any other better armor you may have). Eliminate Beitild in any way you see fit, for example, by stabbing her with a dagger or shooting an arrow at her head.

New main goal: Report to Nazir

Now that you’ve done the deed, you can return to the Dark Brotherhood’s Sanctuary and report to Nazir. If you plan to complete other contracts given by him, only return to the assassins’ hideout after finishing them all. Nazir will reward you with gold for your efforts.


What is a side contract?

A side contract is a private agreement made between two parties that is not part of the main contract. It is usually used to add clauses or conditions that are not covered in the main contract. In the case of “Kill Beitild,” a side contract would be an agreement between the client and the assassin to carry out the murder of Beitild.

Is it legal to make a side contract to commit murder?

No, making a side contract to commit murder is illegal and considered a criminal act. It is a serious offense that can result in imprisonment or even the death penalty in some countries. Anyone involved in such a contract can be charged with conspiracy to commit murder, and the consequences can be severe.

What are the risks involved in making a side contract?

The risks involved in making a side contract are numerous. Firstly, it is illegal and can result in criminal charges. Secondly, there is no guarantee that the assassin will carry out the contract as agreed, leaving the client exposed and vulnerable. Thirdly, if the contract is discovered, it can damage the reputation and credibility of everyone involved, leading to loss of business, social ostracism, and even imprisonment.

What are the alternatives to making a side contract?

The most ethical and legal alternative to making a side contract is to seek legal recourse if the issue at hand is a legal matter. If it is a personal matter, it is advisable to seek counseling or mediation to resolve it amicably. If the issue involves criminal activities, it is best to report it to the authorities and let them handle it. In any case, making a side contract to resolve a problem is never the right approach, and it can lead to disastrous consequences for everyone involved.

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