Significant Figures and Places | Therinfal Redoubt

Key Aspects of M11 Therinfal Redoubt – Significant Figures and Places – Dragon Age: Inquisition

Notable Characters

Treasure Chests


Dragon Dens

Campsites, Fortresses, Towns, and Cities

Quick Travel Points, Passages to Dungeons, and Separate Locations


Others (Flags, Monuments, and so on)

Quick Travel Points, Passages to Dungeons, and Separate Locations

1 – Locked Door – Requires a Rogue

2 – Passage to the Courtyard

3 – Passage to the Barracks

4 – Passage to the Great Hall

5 – A Wall that can be Destroyed – Requires a Warrior

Treasure Chests

Supply Stashes

The map above shows all the notable characters and locations in Therinfal Redoubt. It is advisable to pay attention to the supply chests you come across as they can replenish your potions. It is best to return to them after each major battle and before the final battle against the main adversary of the main quest related to the Redoubt. In addition, the map also displays destructible walls and locked doors. Whenever possible, explore the optional locations because you will almost always find valuable loot there.


1. What is Therinfal Redoubt?

Therinfal Redoubt is a fortress located in the country of Ferelden in the world of Dragon Age. It was built by King Arland in the early years of the Divine Age to serve as a military stronghold against the Orlesians. The fortress was later abandoned and fell into disrepair, but was later repurposed by the Templar Order as a training ground and base of operations.

2. Who are the important characters associated with Therinfal Redoubt?

Several important characters are associated with Therinfal Redoubt in the Dragon Age series. These include the Templar Knight Commander Meredith Stannard, who uses the fortress as her base of operations in Dragon Age II. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the fortress is occupied by the Venatori, a group of Tevinter cultists led by Calpernia.

3. What role does Therinfal Redoubt play in Dragon Age II?

Therinfal Redoubt serves as a major location in Dragon Age II, where the player character Hawke must infiltrate the fortress to rescue their sibling from Templar custody. The fortress is also the site of a major battle between the Templars and the Qunari, which ultimately results in the destruction of the fortress.

4. How does Therinfal Redoubt factor into the events of Dragon Age: Inquisition?

In Dragon Age: Inquisition, Therinfal Redoubt is occupied by the Venatori, who have taken control of the fortress in order to summon a powerful demon. The player character, the Inquisitor, must infiltrate the fortress and stop the Venatori’s plans, ultimately leading to a confrontation with Calpernia.

5. Is Therinfal Redoubt a significant location in the Dragon Age series?

Yes, Therinfal Redoubt is a significant location in the Dragon Age series, as it serves as a major setting for important events in both Dragon Age II and Dragon Age: Inquisition. The fortress is also referenced in other Dragon Age media, such as the novels and comics.

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