Sneak | Skills

This page of the TES V: Skyrim World Atlas provides information on Sneak skills related to the thief archetype. Our guide not only describes these skills, but also explains how to develop them and which perks are worth unlocking.

How to increase skill: The Sneak skill can be improved by performing successful surprise attacks and staying hidden near characters who may detect you, regardless of whether they are friendly or hostile.

Main purpose of developing this skill: Increasing the likelihood of staying undetected.

Available perks: 13.

Best perks: Stealth, Deadly Aim, Assassin’s Blade.


  1. If you want to become a skilled and quiet assassin while also avoiding getting caught while pickpocketing and opening locks, it is recommended to unlock all the perks in this skill category.
  2. In addition to unlocking perks, other methods to increase your chances of staying hidden include performing actions at night, using assassin’s armor and a good weapon such as a dagger or bow.
  3. For those interested in reducing detection, focus on perks from the left side of the constellation, while those interested in dealing more damage with surprise attacks should focus on perks from the right side. It is best to purchase several perks from each side to avoid any weak points in stealthy actions.



This perk has five ranks that improve each time you unlock a new rank.

Requirements (rank 1): None.

Requirements (rank 2): Sneak skill increased to at least 20 points.

Requirements (rank 3): Sneak skill increased to at least 40 points.

Requirements (rank 4): Sneak skill increased to at least 60 points.

Requirements (rank 5): Sneak skill increased to at least 80 points.

Description (rank 1): 20% less likely to be detected when sneaking.

Description (rank 2): 25% less likely to be detected (in total) when sneaking.

Description (rank 3): 30% less likely to be detected (in total) when sneaking.

Description (rank 4): 35% less likely to be detected (in total) when sneaking.

Description (rank 5): 40% less likely to be detected (in total) when sneaking.

Comments: Unlocking all perks in this group, especially the first one, is recommended to increase chances of staying hidden, whether for avoiding detection, killing, or stealing.


Requirements: Sneak skill increased to at least 30 points. Stealth perk (rank 1) unlocked.


Requirement: Sneak skill of at least 40 points. Unlocked Muffled Movement perk.

Description: Reduces the noise caused by armor by 50%.

Comments: If you enjoy performing surprise attacks, this perk may be worth considering. However, it’s important to note that similar effects can be achieved through the use of spells, which may even be more effective.


Requirement: Sneak skill of at least 40 points. Unlocked Muffled Movement perk.

Description: Prevents pressure plates from being triggered when stepped on by the main character.

Comments: This perk may not be very useful on its own, but it is necessary to unlock other perks in this constellation. Pressure plates are generally easy to spot and avoid, so unlocking this perk is not essential.


Requirement: Sneak skill of at least 50 points. Unlocked Light Foot perk.

Description: Allows the main character to perform a silent roll while running and sneaking.

Comments: While this perk can be helpful in staying hidden, it’s easier to rely on thief armor or spells to increase the chances of remaining undetected.


Requirement: Sneak skill of at least 70 points. Unlocked Silent Roll perk.

Description: Allows the main character to walk and run without increasing the chances of being detected.

Comments: This perk is more useful than the previous ones, but similar effects can be achieved through the use of spells and potions without spending skill points.


Requirement: Sneak skill of 100 points. Unlocked Silence perk.

Description: Allows the main character to crouch and stop a fight, forcing nearby opponents to search for the character again.

Comments: This perk can be helpful for escaping a fight or avoiding detection, but it may not be worth spending skill points on the less useful previous perks in this constellation.


Requirement: Sneak skill of at least 30 points. Unlocked Stealth perk (rank 1).

Description: Deals six times more damage when performing a surprise attack with a one-handed weapon.

Comments: This is a great perk for assassin characters, but it’s important to note that attacking from behind is more effective. The Assassin’s Blade perk is also worth considering as an improved version of Backstab.


Requirement: Sneak skill of at least 40 points. Unlocked Backstab perk.

Description: Deals three times more damage when performing a surprise attack with a ranged weapon.

Comments: This perk is excellent for characters who specialize in ranged attacks, but it’s important to remain hidden until the arrow reaches its target to receive the bonus damage.


Requirement: Sneak skill of at least 50 points. Unlocked Deadly Aim perk.

Description: Deals fifteen times more damage when performing a surprise attack with a dagger.


The following benefit is an upgraded form of Backstab. Although it’s limited to daggers, you can compensate by arming yourself with one of the game’s most superior daggers (such as the Blade of Woe from the Dark Brotherhood quest). A high-quality dagger is crucial as your objective is to inflict enough damage to your target that they perish from a single strike.


1. What are the most important sneaker skills?

There are several important sneaker skills that every sneakerhead should know. The first one is how to properly clean and maintain your sneakers. This involves using the right cleaning products and techniques to keep your sneakers looking fresh and new. Another important skill is how to identify authentic sneakers from fake ones. This involves knowing the details and characteristics of each sneaker brand and model, as well as being able to spot inconsistencies and flaws in fake sneakers. Finally, it’s important to know how to properly store and display your sneaker collection, to prevent damage and ensure they stay in good condition for years to come.

2. How can I improve my sneaker collection?

If you want to improve your sneaker collection, there are several things you can do. First, you can research and learn more about different sneaker brands, models, and releases. This will help you identify which sneakers are worth investing in and which ones are not. You can also network with other sneakerheads and attend sneaker events and conventions, where you can buy, sell, and trade sneakers with other enthusiasts. Finally, you can set a budget and prioritize which sneakers you want to add to your collection, based on your personal preferences and interests.

3. How do I keep my sneakers looking new?

To keep your sneakers looking new, there are several things you can do. First, you should clean your sneakers regularly, using the right cleaning products and techniques. This will prevent dirt and stains from accumulating and keep your sneakers looking fresh. You can also use sneaker protectors and sprays to prevent water damage and other types of wear and tear. Finally, you should store your sneakers in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat, to prevent fading and discoloration.

4. What should I look for when buying sneakers?

When buying sneakers, there are several things you should look for. First, you should make sure the sneakers are the right size and fit comfortably. You should also check the quality of the materials and construction, to ensure they are durable and long-lasting. If you are buying limited-edition or rare sneakers, you should also check for authenticity and make sure they are not fake. Finally, you should consider the style and design of the sneakers, and whether they fit your personal preferences and fashion sense.

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