Stealth Tactics in Sniper Elite 5

If you want to be successful in Sniper Elite 5, you need to learn how to be a stealthy sniper. This guide will give you some tips on how to remain undetected and complete your missions quietly.

The key to completing missions without being detected is to avoid being seen by your enemies. Our guide includes tips on how to move silently and use stealth kills to complete both main and side quests.

  • Recon – using binoculars or a rifle scope
  • Focus and radar
  • Crouching, hiding in tall grass, and other methods for avoiding detection
  • Masking your shots and dealing with loud areas
  • Enemy alarm levels
  • Stealth takedowns
  • Using towers and other high points on the map

Recon – using binoculars or a rifle scope

Recon is an important part of being a stealthy sniper. It helps you to avoid being surprised by enemies and makes it easier to eliminate them without raising the alarm. Here are some tips for using recon:

  1. Binoculars are the better option because they allow you to freely adjust the zoom level and permanently mark enemies to track them more easily.
  2. Rifle scopes can also be used for recon, but some do not have adjustable zoom levels and they only tag enemies temporarily.

Focus and radar

There are other techniques that can help you detect enemies, but they become unavailable on the highest difficulty level. These techniques include:

  1. Focus – lets you “X-ray” the area and determine enemy positioning. You can activate it for a longer period of time without using up any energy bars.
  2. Radar – shows the approximate locations of nearby enemies. The information is not always accurate, but it can help you prepare to fight or bypass a guarded area.

Crouching, hiding in tall grass, and other methods for avoiding detection

There are several universal techniques in the game that will help you avoid being noticed by enemies. These include:

  1. Moving while crouching – generates less noise and should be your default strategy. Note that some weapon attachments can slow you down while crouching.
  2. Crawling on the ground – should be used as a last resort because it is inefficient. It is impossible to move around the map efficiently this way.
  3. Hiding in tall grass – lets you avoid being spotted by enemies standing further away. You can also stop moving or lie down in the grass if necessary.
  4. Using cover – try to choose cover that lets you continue shooting while keeping you hidden. This includes walls and trenches.

Masking your shots and dealing with loud areas

When sneaking, keep in mind that enemies can also hear you. This includes the sound of your footsteps and gunshots.

The equipment selection window displays the audible range of each weapon in the game. Silencers can be installed to change a weapon’s default range, but each silencer has its own pros and cons. While some silencers can significantly reduce audible range, they can also make it more challenging to shoot accurately. Therefore, it is recommended to choose attachments based on your current needs and playstyle.

Masking the sound of shots within a loud area indicated by the sound wave at the top of the screen is crucial. There are two main ways to create a loud area: tampering with the generator or engine of a vehicle, and taking advantage of loud ambient noises such as artillery gunfire or planes flying over the map.

Enemy Alarm Levels

There are three levels of enemy alertness. The calm state is the default for each enemy, while the yellow alert level is triggered when something catches the opponent’s attention. The red level is full alarm, and it is best to flee and lose the pursuit when this occurs. Players can also sabotage alarm stations in advance to prevent enemies from calling for reinforcements. Other methods of distracting enemies include whistling or throwing bottles to lure them to secluded areas or strategically placed traps.

Stealth Takedowns

Players can perform takedowns on enemies while sneaking. Takedowns can either kill or knock out an opponent and do not create any noise. Hiding enemy bodies is optional but recommended as discovered bodies can raise an enemy’s alertness level to yellow.

Towers and Other Viewpoints on the Map

Long-range attacks from locations where no one is present can be an effective way to eliminate enemies without raising the alarm. Towers and other tall structures, as well as larger hills, can provide a wide field of view and allow for safe shots even at long distances.

Important Information

It’s possible that certain buildings contain enemy snipers who have taken over towers and hideouts. To successfully capture a location and use it for shooting, it’s crucial to eliminate these snipers without being detected.


1. What is Sniper Elite 5: Stealth?

Sniper Elite 5: Stealth is a tactical shooter video game where players take on the role of a sniper during World War II. The game focuses on stealth gameplay, where players must remain undetected and take out their targets from a distance.

2. What are the gameplay basics?

The gameplay basics of Sniper Elite 5: Stealth include using stealth to move around the map and avoid detection by the enemy. Players must use their sniper rifle to take out targets, but must also be aware of their surroundings and use cover to avoid being shot. The game also features a bullet-time mechanic, where players can slow down time to line up their shots.

3. What are the objectives in Sniper Elite 5: Stealth?

The objectives in Sniper Elite 5: Stealth vary from mission to mission, but typically involve taking out specific targets or completing other objectives while remaining undetected. Players must use their sniper rifle to carefully plan their shots and take out enemies without alerting others nearby.

4. What weapons are available in Sniper Elite 5: Stealth?

Sniper Elite 5: Stealth features a variety of weapons, including sniper rifles, handguns, and explosives. Players can also use melee weapons to take out enemies quietly. As players progress through the game, they can unlock new weapons and upgrades to improve their arsenal.

5. Is multiplayer available in Sniper Elite 5: Stealth?

Yes, Sniper Elite 5: Stealth features both co-op and competitive multiplayer modes. In co-op, players can team up with friends to complete missions together. In competitive multiplayer, players can take on each other in various game modes, including deathmatch and capture the flag.

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