The Importance of the War Room in Dragon Age Inquisition

The war room located at Skyhold

The war room is a crucial location within the Inquisition’s HQ as it is where all of the “global” moves are planned. Additionally, visiting the war room is often necessary for the storyline to progress, making it impossible to ignore this element of the game.

You can access the war room at any time when you are back at the Inquisition’s HQ, and the council is automatically summoned. Apart from the main protagonist, Cassandra and the advisors described on the previous page always attend.

The main council window

After loading the main council window, you can either focus on unlocking new Inquisition’s perks by having at least one Influence point or access the war table to view all available missions and assign them to your advisors. You can choose to see the map of the Orlais or Ferelden empire, and it is advisable to check both areas as there may be no available missions in one and several in the other.

An example mission

The available missions are symbolized by pawns on the world map. Once you select a mission, you can learn its main premise and match the advisor to the mission. Most missions offer you the freedom to choose your advisor, but some can only be completed by a specific advisor. If the mission is available for multiple advisors, read the description under the cards of each advisor to learn about the way in which they would solve the problem.

Regardless of the circumstances, there are three things to keep in mind when starting a mission:

1) Missions at the war room are completed automatically, so there is no need to control or supervise them.

2) Each mission from the war table has a specific duration that varies depending on the advisor chosen. Easier missions are completed within minutes, while more complex ones may take several hours.

3) Each advisor can only be involved in one mission at a time, so it is crucial to return to the war room frequently and ensure that advisors are always involved in a mission. The game informs you of completed missions while you are exploring the game world.

Note! If a mission takes a long time, such as 24 hours, and you do not want to wait, you can change the system date after it starts to complete it immediately. This trick also works for missions that do not take as long to complete.

While your advisors can handle simple missions right away, more complex ones are restricted until you gather enough Power points. This is especially true for missions related to the storyline and discovering new locations. For example, in the screenshot above, you need to collect 30 Power points to unlock the mission.

Keep in mind that once you spend your points, they are gone forever. So, you need to decide whether to focus on completing missions with lower requirements or amassing more points for the important missions on the war table.

After assigning a mission from the war table, you’ll receive a mission report. However, it’s not displayed automatically. To see the summary, you need to go back to the Inquisition’s HQ, use the war table, find the pawn for that mission, and select it. Completing missions can reward you with new areas, crafting materials, gold, resources, Influence points, Power points, equipment elements, or rare artifacts.


What is the War Room in Dragon Age Inquisition?

The War Room is a strategic planning chamber in Dragon Age Inquisition, where players can plan their next moves and plot their conquests. It is situated in the Skyhold, which is the fortress of the Inquisition. The War Room is a huge table in the center of the room, with a map of Thedas on it that players can interact with, and plan their next missions and assignments. It is also the place where players can assign advisors to different missions, who will then report back with the results. The War Room is a crucial aspect of the game, as it allows players to make important decisions and plot their course towards victory.

What are the benefits of using the War Room in Dragon Age Inquisition?

The War Room in Dragon Age Inquisition offers several benefits to players. Firstly, it allows players to plan their next moves strategically, which can help them achieve victory in battles and missions. Secondly, it allows players to assign advisors to different missions, who will then bring back rewards and benefits for the Inquisition. Thirdly, it offers a chance to interact with other characters in the game, and learn more about their personalities and backgrounds. Finally, it is a chance to immerse oneself in the game’s lore and story, and experience the thrill of leading a successful Inquisition.

How can players use the War Room effectively in Dragon Age Inquisition?

To use the War Room effectively in Dragon Age Inquisition, players should first focus on the main missions and assignments, and prioritize them over side quests. This will help players progress through the game’s story and achieve victory more quickly. Secondly, players should assign advisors to missions that match their skills and abilities, as this will increase the chances of success. Thirdly, players should pay attention to the rewards and benefits offered by each mission, and choose wisely. Finally, players should use the War Room as a chance to interact with other characters in the game, and learn more about their personalities and backgrounds, which can add to the game’s immersion and enjoyment.

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