The Jagged Crown – p.2 | Imperial Legion Quests


To complete this mission, you must eliminate all Stormcloak soldiers, which can be done by following Legate Rikke down the west corridor. There is only one opponent in an adjoining chamber, but your allies should be able to handle them. After examining the corpse of a Draugr, continue through the temple until you reach the Korvanjund Halls.

Accompany Legate Rikke and eliminate any remaining Stormcloak soldiers. The exploration of the ruins will lead you to the Hall of Stories. Here, listen to Legate Rikke’s speech and solve a puzzle using the Ebony Claw found on one of the dead bodies.

The solution to the puzzle involves using the three interactive rings to display the Wolf, Moth, and Dragon symbols. Once complete, use the claw on the keyholes to unlock the entrance.

Proceed with the Legionnaires and beware of the Draugrs that will appear in the nearby crypts. After defeating them, enter the Korvanjund Crypt.

Follow Rikke’s unit and defeat the Draugr Deathlord to obtain the Jagged Crown. Two other monsters will also come to life, so be sure to take care of them quickly without injuring any of the Legionnaires.

Save the Scourge until the end when he is the only enemy on the battlefield. Keep fighting until his health bar is empty and he dies. After that, you can approach the Draugr Deathlord, examine his body, and take the Jagged Crown (as shown in the picture above).

New Main Objective: Bring the crown to General Tullius

It is recommended to go north as there is a Word Wall nearby (as seen in the picture above) that teaches a new Word of Power – Slow Time. You can either use the corridor and get to the door leading to Korvanjund Temple easily or take the same path you took to get here before, carefully examining every location you missed in the hurry.

If you choose the shortcut, when you get back to the temple, you’ll have to interact with a bolt that will take you back to the ruins’ entrance (as shown in the picture above). Return to the surface, open the world map, and travel to Solitude.

Upon arriving in Solitude, enter Castle Dour, locate General Tullius, and initiate a dialogue to inform him that you have found the crown (as shown in the picture above). The general will have another mission for you, which is to deliver a message to the Jarl of Whiterun, warning him about an upcoming Stormcloak attack.

Imperial Legion Quest Unlocked: Message to Whiterun


1. What is The Jagged Crown and why is it important in the Imperial Legion Quests?

The Jagged Crown is an ancient crown made of ebony, which was worn by the High Kings of Skyrim. It is a powerful symbol of the sovereignty of Skyrim. In the Imperial Legion Quests, the crown is a crucial artifact that the player must retrieve to gain the support of the Jarls and unite Skyrim under the Empire’s rule.

2. Where can I find The Jagged Crown in the game?

The Jagged Crown can be found in the ruins of Korvanjund, an ancient Nordic tomb located in the Pale region of Skyrim. The tomb is guarded by a group of Stormcloak rebels, and the player must fight their way through them to reach the crown.

3. Can I complete the Imperial Legion Quests without retrieving The Jagged Crown?

No, you cannot complete the Imperial Legion Quests without retrieving The Jagged Crown. It is a key objective in the questline and must be obtained to progress further.

4. How difficult is it to retrieve The Jagged Crown?

The difficulty of retrieving The Jagged Crown depends on the player’s level and combat skills. The tomb is guarded by a group of Stormcloak rebels, and the player must fight their way through them to reach the crown. The enemies in the tomb are typically at a higher level than the player, making the fight challenging. However, with proper preparation and strategy, the task can be accomplished.

5. What are the rewards for retrieving The Jagged Crown?

The reward for retrieving The Jagged Crown is the support of the Jarls and the people of Skyrim. The crown is a powerful symbol of the sovereignty of Skyrim, and by retrieving it, the player gains the trust and respect of the Jarls. This support is crucial in the player’s efforts to unite Skyrim under the Empire’s rule.

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