Disco Elysium: Understanding the User Interface

On this page, we will enlighten you about the user interface in Disco Elysium and its customization options.

The user interface in Disco Elysium is easy to navigate and comprehend. However, it is not possible to tailor it according to your preferences. Nevertheless, none of the UI components on the primary screen interrupt or distract the player during the game.

When playing Disco Elysium, the following UI components will be visible on the screen:

  1. (1): Harrier and Kim’s character portraits are situated in the bottom left corner of the screen. Above them, you can see your character’s Health and Morale bars. The former is indicated by the orange bar, and the latter is indicated by the blue. The numbers in the crosses above the Life and Morale bars illustrate how much medicine you have left;
  2. (2): by clicking this icon, you can access the character sheet, where you can assign points to the skills of your choosing;
  3. (3): click this icon to open your inventory. In this window, you can view the items and tools you have acquired, along with your character’s modifiers. You can also alter Harrier’s attire and equip various utility items (left and right hand);
  4. (4): this icon represents the Journal – all of your current quests and their progress are listed here, along with the location map (if you have already obtained it). You can also check which quests you have completed;
  5. (5): this icon leads to the Thought Cabinet, where you can explore the thoughts you’ve uncovered to gain additional bonuses for your character. For more information on this system, visit the Thought Cabinet page;
  6. (6): in the bottom right corner of the screen, you will find the following information: the clock, the current in-game day, how much money (Real) you have, and icons representing the items Harrier is currently holding in his hands;
  7. (7): the main protagonist of Disco Elysium – Harrier du Bois. The thoughts swirling in his mind are illustrated by spheres of varying colors, such as yellow or blue, appearing above his head. Once clicked, a dialog box will open, and you will have the opportunity to obtain more information, such as the current situation or the object you are looking at.


1. What makes Disco Elysium’s user interface unique?

Disco Elysium’s user interface is unique in that it is designed to be immersive and interactive. The game features a variety of menus, maps, and character sheets that allow players to fully immerse themselves in the world of Revachol. Additionally, the game’s interface is designed to be highly customizable, allowing players to adjust the size and position of various elements to suit their preferences.

2. How does the game use its user interface to enhance gameplay?

The game uses its user interface to enhance gameplay in a number of ways. For example, the character sheet provides players with detailed information about their character’s skills and abilities, which can be used to make informed decisions about how to approach different situations. The map allows players to navigate the world of Revachol easily, while the inventory screen makes it easy to manage and use items. Overall, the game’s interface is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, allowing players to focus on the story and gameplay.

3. What challenges did the developers face when designing the user interface?

One of the biggest challenges that the developers faced when designing the user interface was creating a system that was both intuitive and immersive. They wanted to create a game that felt like it was taking place in a living, breathing world, while also providing players with all of the information and tools they needed to play the game effectively. This required the team to experiment with a variety of different interfaces and to take feedback from players to refine the design over time.

4. How does the game’s user interface contribute to its overall aesthetic?

The game’s user interface is an integral part of its overall aesthetic. The interface is designed to look and feel like it is part of the game world, with menus that look like they are made of paper and maps that look like they were drawn by hand. Additionally, the game’s use of color and typography helps to create a distinct visual style that is both retro and modern at the same time.

5. What role does sound design play in the game’s user interface?

Sound design plays an important role in Disco Elysium’s user interface. The game features a variety of different sounds and music cues that help to guide the player through the game. For example, when the player is in a dialogue sequence, the game uses a distinctive sound to indicate when it is the player’s turn to speak. Additionally, the game’s use of music helps to set the tone and atmosphere of each scene, creating a truly immersive experience for players.

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