How to Add Companions to Your Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord Party

Companions in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord can enhance your hero’s abilities. Knowing how to add companions to your party is vital, and this guide will explain how to do so.

Companions in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord play a crucial role. They are not only valuable additions to your army on the battlefield, but also possess unique and powerful skills. For instance, a companion with excellent medical expertise can serve as your party’s physician. Moreover, they can substitute for you in certain quests assigned by NPCs. Therefore, you should add a companion to your team as soon as possible. This guide will explain where to find a companion in Bannerlord and how to recruit one.

How to Recruit Companions in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord

Most potential companions can be found in taverns and inns.

In Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord, companions can always be found in inns. Simply visit a tavern in any city (you don’t have to enter, just select the tavern option in campaign mode) to check if there are any potential companions available, as shown in the above screenshot. If there is, click on the companion icon to initiate a conversation.

Recruited companions become members of your clan.

During the conversation, you will learn about the character’s background and the cost of joining your team. If you agree to pay the fee, the companion will immediately become a member of your party. From that point on, they will be part of your clan, and you can assign them tasks, quests, or even put them in charge of a caravan.


1. How can I recruit companions in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord?

To recruit companions in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord, you need to find them in towns and villages. Companions can be found in taverns or as prisoners of enemy factions. Once you find a companion, you can speak to them and ask if they’re interested in joining your party. They may ask for payment or other conditions before agreeing to join. Keep in mind that companions have their own personalities and can leave your party if they’re unhappy with your decisions or actions.

2. How many companions can I have in my party?

You can have up to 8 companions in your party in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord. However, the number of companions you can have depends on your leadership skill. The higher your leadership skill, the more companions you can have in your party. Keep in mind that having too many companions can increase your party’s expenses and reduce your combat effectiveness, so it’s important to balance your party composition and leadership skill.

3. What skills should I look for in companions?

The skills you should look for in companions depend on your playstyle and goals. Generally, it’s a good idea to recruit companions with complementary skills to yours, such as combat skills or trade skills. For example, if you plan to focus on combat, you may want to recruit companions with high combat skills, such as archery or cavalry. If you plan to focus on trade, you may want to recruit companions with high trade skills, such as bartering or accounting. Keep in mind that companions have their own unique skills and personalities, so it’s important to choose companions that fit your playstyle and goals.

4. Can companions level up and gain new skills?

Yes, companions can level up and gain new skills in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord. As companions gain experience, they can level up and allocate skill points to improve their abilities. Companions can also gain new skills through training or by using certain items, such as books and weapons. Keep in mind that each companion has their own unique skill set and may have different strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose companions that complement your playstyle and goals.

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