How to Improve Relationship with Your Companion in Elex 2?

This guide will help you improve your relationship with the companion in Elex 2.

This page focuses on the relationship you share with your companion in Elex 2. It explains how companions react to your choices and answers during conversations and suggests ways to improve your relationship with them.

Ways to Improve Relationship with Your Companion

Companions in Elex 2 not only help you explore the world and fight enemies but also participate in conversations with other characters. Each companion has a unique approach to the world. Some prefer violent and hostile dialogues, while others opt for peaceful solutions to conflicts. Companions react to your responses and decisions. After each significant decision, your companion’s approach to the problem will be displayed on the screen along with their response.

It is important to maintain a positive relationship with your companion as spoiling it can lead to them leaving. Their missions will fail, and you will not be able to journey with them anymore. Therefore, if you care about a particular character, you need to make decisions that align with their character. However, these tips apply to only the companion you are currently traveling with across Magalan.

  1. CRONY U4 agrees with all of Jax’s choices, and you cannot ruin your relationship with them.
  2. Nasty and Bully appreciate violence and a hostile attitude during conversations.
  3. Caja, Falk, Fox, and Nyra prefer to avoid combat and like it when you respond in a friendly manner during conversations.

Our guide has an entire chapter dedicated to companions, and we have also discussed romance in Elex 2.


1. How important is the relationship with your companion in Elex 2?

The relationship with your companion in Elex 2 is extremely important. Your companion can help you in battles, provide you with valuable information about the game world, and even offer you quests that you wouldn’t be able to access otherwise. Additionally, the better your relationship with your companion, the more likely they are to share their backstory with you, which can add a lot of depth and complexity to the game’s narrative.

2. What are some ways to improve your relationship with your companion?

There are several ways to improve your relationship with your companion in Elex 2. First, make sure to complete any quests they offer you, as this will increase their affinity towards you. Additionally, try to make choices in the game that align with your companion’s values and beliefs, as this will also increase their affinity. Finally, take the time to talk to your companion regularly and learn more about their backstory and motivations.

3. Can you romance your companion in Elex 2?

Yes, it is possible to romance your companion in Elex 2. However, not all companions are romanceable, so make sure to check their profile before pursuing a romantic relationship. To romance a companion, you will need to increase your affinity with them and choose dialogue options that indicate your interest. If your companion is receptive, they will eventually offer to start a relationship with you.

4. What are the benefits of romancing your companion in Elex 2?

There are several benefits to romancing your companion in Elex 2. First, it can add a lot of emotional depth to the game’s narrative, as you will learn more about your companion’s personal life and motivations. Additionally, romancing your companion can unlock unique quests and dialogue options that wouldn’t be available otherwise. Finally, some companions offer combat bonuses or other gameplay benefits once you enter into a romantic relationship with them.

5. Can you break up with your companion in Elex 2?

Yes, it is possible to break up with your companion in Elex 2. However, this can have negative consequences on your relationship and affinity with them, so make sure to consider the consequences before ending the relationship. To break up with your companion, you will need to choose dialogue options that indicate your desire to end the relationship. Once you do so, your companion will no longer offer romantic dialogue options or quests, and your affinity with them may decrease.

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