
Sons of the Forest: Navigating the Island

Unlike other games, Sons of the Forest does not provide a map of the entire island. However, you can use a GPS Tracker to determine your location and navigate the island. This guide will explain how to use the GPS Tracker and set location points using GPS locators.

The GPS Tracker is your primary navigation tool in Sons of the Forest. This page of our guide explains how to use it and how to set up markers.

You can also refer to the map available on gamepressure.com or sonsoftheforestmap.com for additional assistance with navigating the island.

  • Using the GPS Tracker
  • Minimap
  • How to set up a map marker?
  • Giving Virginia a GPS Locator

Using the GPS Tracker

The GPS Tracker is available from the beginning of the game and can be accessed by pressing the M key on your keyboard. The middle mouse button can be used to zoom in and out of the map, allowing you to estimate distances between locations.

The transmitter screen displays seven types of icons indicating places of interest, including cave entrances, GPS Locators, Kelvin’s current location, points of interest, crashed helicopters, your current location, and your shelters.

Note that GPS connectivity is not available inside caves and bunkers.


The minimap, located in the lower right corner of the screen, provides a zoomed-in view of the nearby area. Like the GPS Tracker, it is not functional inside caves and bunkers.

How to set up a map marker?

If you find a location of interest, you can set up a marker using your inventory. To do so, select a stick and plant it in the ground with a right-click. Then, select a GPS Locator and use a left-click to change the icon displayed on the map. Finally, point the camera at the stick’s tip and left-click to place the Locator.

The GPS Locator offers 14 symbols to choose from, which can be interpreted according to your needs.

Giving Virginia a GPS Locator

To locate Virginia, you must provide her with a GPS Locator, as she does not have her own marker on the map.

To find Virginia’s current location on the GPS Tracker map, first become friends with her. Then, use the E key to approach her and interact. Once you’ve done that, press the R key and choose the Locator from your inventory. This will allow you to see where Virginia is located.


What is the navigation system in Sons of the Forest?

The navigation system in Sons of the Forest is designed to help players explore the game world effectively. The game features a complex map that players can access at any time to see their location and the surrounding areas. The map is interactive and can be zoomed in and out, and marked with custom waypoints, allowing players to create their own routes and easily find their way back to key locations.

Additionally, the game features a compass that players can use to orient themselves in the world. The compass indicates the player’s current heading, and can be used to navigate to specific areas or landmarks.

What challenges can players face while navigating in Sons of the Forest?

While navigating in Sons of the Forest, players can face a number of challenges that require them to use their navigation skills to overcome. One of the key challenges is the dense forest environment, which can make it difficult to see landmarks or find clear pathways. Players must use the map and compass to navigate through the forest and avoid getting lost.

Another challenge is the presence of hostile enemies and dangerous creatures that can attack the player. These threats can make it difficult to navigate safely, and players must be careful to avoid dangerous areas or find ways to sneak past enemies undetected.

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