Understanding the Time of Day in Witcher Monster Slayer

This section of the Witcher Monster Slayer guide provides useful information about the time of day, weather, and dawn/twilight.

Here, you will learn how different times of the day impact your quests and encounters with monsters.

  • Time of Day
  • Dawn and Twilight
  • Weather

Time of Day

Nighttime is when you’re likely to come across the most dangerous and rare monsters. Be prepared to face legendary creatures that are extremely difficult to defeat.

Save your stronger oils, potions, and bombs for these nocturnal monsters, as they will fight you with all their might.

Dawn and Twilight

It’s not just monsters that are affected by the time of day. Some quests require you to be at a certain location when the sun rises. You can’t afford to ignore this.

To figure out the exact time of dawn or twilight, you can search online for terms like “dusk [date] [location of interest].” Use this knowledge to plan the best time to complete your task, but allow for a 20-30 minute window before and after the specified time.


When it’s raining, the streets are more likely to be filled with monsters. Some types of monsters are more likely to appear on rainy days.

However, it’s not advisable to go out with your phone in hand during a storm or rainy weather.


What is the significance of time of day in Witcher Monster Slayer?

In Witcher Monster Slayer, time of day plays an important role in the game mechanics. Certain monsters can only be encountered during specific times of day. For example, werewolves are more active during the night, while drowners can be found near bodies of water during the day. Additionally, different potions and oils may have different effects depending on the time of day they are used. For example, a Swallow potion used during the day may have a different effect than the same potion used at night. Paying attention to the time of day can give players an advantage in their monster slaying.

Does time of day affect the difficulty of the game?

While time of day can affect the types of monsters players encounter and the effectiveness of certain potions and oils, it does not directly affect the difficulty of the game. The difficulty of Witcher Monster Slayer is primarily determined by the player’s level, the level of the monster being fought, and the player’s equipment and preparation. However, fighting certain monsters during their preferred time of day can make the battle more challenging, so players should always be prepared for any situation.

Can players change the time of day in Witcher Monster Slayer?

No, players cannot manually change the time of day in Witcher Monster Slayer. The game follows a real-time clock, so the time of day in the game will match the time of day in the player’s real-world location. However, players can use meditation to pass the time more quickly in the game. This can be useful if a player wants to wait until a specific time of day to encounter a certain monster or use a certain potion.

How does time of day affect the storyline in Witcher Monster Slayer?

Time of day does not have a significant impact on the storyline in Witcher Monster Slayer. The game’s story and quests are primarily focused on the player’s interactions with various characters and their efforts to defeat powerful monsters. While the time of day can affect the types of monsters encountered and the effectiveness of certain potions and oils, it does not play a major role in the game’s narrative.

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